On a message board I frequent, a new user came to the board to promote a rally he is trying to organize in DC. When others tried to offer advice, he chastised their advice and ridiculed them for doing nothing. But in his posts, he slipped up a bit.
Seems he claimed to be the sole media representative for the Free State Project, an organization with which I have been involved for about three years (I am not a member, as I had opted out of New Hampshire before we voted for our state, and have no plans to move there). Because of my lengthy involvement, I'm pretty familiar with the organization, and was able to debunk his claims quickly.
One of the things you learn quickly about the internet is that anyone can claim to be someone they are not. False credentials are as ubiquitous in cyberspace as oxygen is in our own physical environment. This, of course, leads to a question of credibility with many of these posters, but it usually doesn't take much digging to "out" them quickly.
So be careful what you believe on the 'Net. It's fertile ground for posers.