The journey from there to here
Published on May 30, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc


Seems gas prices aren't the only thing that's up. According to yahoo! News, many gas station cashiers across the country have been yelled at and harassed by angry drivers fed up over the increasing gas prices. In their attempt to condense everything, they've labelled it "gas rage". Which, of course, FORCES the comment that I thought that only happened when you couldn't release the pressure after a chil cookoff!

But I digress...

on May 30, 2006
Which, of course, FORCES the comment that I thought that only happened when you couldn't release the pressure after a chil cookoff!

That's what it means at my house, too. Hehe.

I rage a lot, but not about gas yet. If we still had our minivan, maybe, but right now even with gas prices as they are, we only spend about $50 a month on gas. Back in Texas when both me and Adrian were working and we were driving to WT two days a week, we spent $120 a month on gas. So even at $3+, it's still an improvement!
on May 30, 2006
I rage a lot, but not about gas yet

Yeah, my main concern with the gas prices is the cost it adds to my job. Add to that the fact that the district in which I am running runs through 19 counties all the way across the Texas Panhandle to New Mexico and north to the Oklahoma Panhandle, and even my grassroots campaign may be limited by my inability to travel! But then again, even that might work in my favor, since there will be more people pissed at the status quo!
on May 30, 2006
Oh, I'm pretty sure if I still lived in TX gas prices would have my panties in a bunch. Frequent long distance driving is almost unavoidable.

The island we're on now is only like 20 miles by 30 miles. Drive for very long, and you hit ocean.
on May 31, 2006

Which, of course, FORCES the comment that I thought that only happened when you couldn't release the pressure after a chil cookoff!

Sorry, I know they are the low level wage slaves.  When I rage, I ask for a supervisor.  And often several times.  I get the well paid schmuck!  By the time I get satisfaction, I am often told "the CEO has gone home".  Cowards!  But it works. 

Dont take it out on the poor schmucks at first level.  Get the career clowns!  That is much more satisfying!

on Jun 01, 2006
Rage all you want, it won't matter. The career clown don't care because you're going to continue buying from them regardless. They don't have to care.