Over the past several months, I have to say my free time has been in remarkably short supply. In a little over a month, my free time will once again be in short supply, this time all the way through the November elections. So I decided to take advantage of the lull to try to get some of my paralegal coursework out of the way.
I am proud to say that I maintained my high academic standards-- 95 on one test, 100 on the other (my average is now about 97). I also found some excellent resources in my studies that will help me long before I graduate, and in my current efforts to create a cohesive activist group for families affected by CPS.
I would like to complete this semester's coursework by midsummer, to keep in line with finishing the degree in two years. While there are limited opportunities working with lawyers in our area, I am sure that my activist work will more than keep me busy. I intend to work for myself as much as possible.
Now if only "busy-ness" necessarily translated into a paycheck, I'd be a wealthy man. But that will, hopefully, come in time.