I love Paris Hilton. Since Michael Jackson moved to Bahrain, she has filled a much needed void by adding herself to the list of celebrities that we don't even need to TRY to make fun of because they're such EASY targets.
The reality show star/actress/heiress is adding "professional singer" to her list as she prepares to release an album that she describes as a mix of "reggae, pop, and hiphop". Somehow, her "street cred" seems to be seriously lacking in two of the three categories. Let's all hear her sing about the struggle against "the man" when she, in fact, IS "the man", living a life of luxury and opulence that will never require her to put forth a serious effort towards anything. Let's all hear her sing a musical style influenced by the poverty ridden lifestyles of those living in neighbourhoods that she's never come nearer to than her cruising altitude flyovers in her private jet, and whose laborious existence she not only will never know, but whom, in fact, her family has probably EXPLOITED at various times in the building of their empire.
In the history of humankind, there will probably be very few individuals in the world who have contributed less, yet received more accolades, than Paris Hilton. Her entire existence is self parodying, and would be altogether unmentionable were it not for her attempts to make herself somehow relevant.