The journey from there to here
Published on May 16, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc

Many years ago, I considered myself a pacifist. As a teenager, I dealt with a father who avoided culpability for abusing me by sicking my older brother on me and standing back watching. I would run from the fight, and when my brother would complain, I would protest that I was a pacifist and wouldn't fight. My father, the consummate liberal, sneered, "A REAL pacifist wouldn't RUN from a fight".

And so I stood there and took the beatings, without fighting back. Which is, I believe, precisely the effect he hoped to achieve.

As I neared 18 and filled out my Selective Service registration, I kept my philosophy in mind. I registered as a conscientious objector, being willing, however, to serve my country in any way that did not involve the use of weapons against another man or woman. As I have grown older (and hopefully, in some small ways, wiser), I have refined my views of pacifism to realize that I am not a pacifist, nor do I aspire to be.

I have, however, taken a personal vow of nonagression, which is quite a different concept entirely. While I will never take up weapons against somebody preemptively, I will not hesitate to defend myself, my family, and my freedom. I won't be that teenager standing by tasking punches while my sanctimonious father stands by laughing and chuckles about the incident years later at family gatherings. In other words, I will not be a victim.

In other words, while I personally detest violence, I will never rule it out as a last resort.

on May 16, 2006
Amazing how children change one's perspectives in life.
on May 16, 2006
Your dad sounds like an asshat. Sorry, but he does.

I am not a pacifist...never even contemplated it. To me it is too much like laying down and dying. What's the point?

It's great you know your own mind on this, but I do think a swift kick in the asshat, unprompted, would be the right thing to do.

Then you can laugh about it at family gatherings the next fifty years or so.

See....def NOT a pacifist!
on May 16, 2006
It's great you know your own mind on this, but I do think a swift kick in the asshat, unprompted, would be the right thing to do.

Nope, about three years ago, I swore off toxic relationships in my life, my father being at the head of that list. I'm somewhat saddened by the fact that my children won't know their grandparents, but I don't need that stress in my life.

But all in all, it's not a bad idea!
on May 16, 2006
I swore off toxic relationships in my life,

Hmmm. Well if you ever happen to see him again, just give him a swift kick for me.

I'll still say you honored your vow of non aggression....
on May 16, 2006
today I am a pacifist and will kill someone to prove it!
on May 16, 2006
I think (like many other terms) "Pacifist" has been hijacked. Too many people think that pacifism means that you are not willing to fight for what you believe. Nothing is further from the truth. I true pacifist spends most their life fighting. Fighting those who consider them cowards, fighting laws that would compel them to act against their nature, fighting for the right to be a pacifist.

Are fists and guns the only ways a person can fight? The only difference between a pacifist and a warrior is, the pacifist won't take up fists or guns.

You are right Gid, you aren't a pacifist, you are willing to take up arms in defense of yourself, your loved ones and you property. I agree that "Non Agressive" is the best way to describe your stance. I've long understood that about you, but I'm glad you clarified your feelings for those who don't understand the difference.


"It is just as Consititutional to protest a war as to fight in it."

"I respect the right of the pacifist so much that I would kill or die to protect it"~ ParaTed2k's not so famous sayings.

on May 16, 2006
Hey Gid,
I've always called myself a pacifist but your definition for yourself is pretty damn close to mine. Perhaps being a "pacifist" is as varied a term as
being a "vegetarian" or member of a political party.

Great thoughts! Thanks for sharing.
on May 17, 2006
I kinda consider myself a pacifist. Yet, If you take into account my atrocious kind of negates the whole "pacifist" thing. Anywho... "Keep on, keeping on." (I know that saying came from somewhere...not sure where)