Ok, so now the FDA's fessing up to Paxil's suicide risk in young adults. While I find this ironic, I also find it tragic because of the lost lives over the years of doctors overprescribing antidepressants to individuals.
I know all about depression. I've dealt with the worst of it. One of the reasons I haven't spend an inordinate time seeking help whenever I'm in a depressed state is because I have seen what these drugs have done to my family. While I have no problem with someone gently advising me on ways to cope with certain situations, I do have a problem with someone pushing drugs on me as an alleged solution, when drugs can often make the problem worse. How many of these suicidal teens were simply anti-social students who, while not socialized to the level we tend to expect, nevertheless presented no real harm to themselves or others before being pushed on to Paxil.
There are some very real cases of depression that Paxil has helped. I have seen that firsthand as well. So if you're using it and it works for you, fine. But everyone is different, and every situation is different. Some forms of depression have organic causes, some have environmental causes, some have both. And it is irresponsible for health professionals to respond with a pill for every ailment that presents itself.