The journey from there to here

It's the dawning of a new day. Apparently, some 30 people in Nigeria have all selected me to move their money to America via my bank account! What an honor!

Along with the various offers for viagra and numerous marriage proposals (related? Naaaah, I'd figure a woman would be looking for a mate who DIDN'T need chemical assistance to perform), are the multiple emails written in Cyrillic characters. I have no idea what they say, but if the person had to send it off so quickly they couldn't bother using translation software to put it in English, it must be pretty durn important! Come to think of it, I must be nearing the status of a world leader, because the number of emails in my inbox is gradually nearing the world's population. These MUST all be unique emails, seeking my indispensable advice.

And now Congress is going to tax the Internet. I MUST get this important information to all my friends and family, so if you would oblige by leaving your email addresses in the response column, I will get the email to you as quickly as possible. It also wouldn't hurt if you would make a substantial contribution to my PayPal account, just in case they make these taxes retroactive.

Oh, well. Gotta go now. I have to write 5 letters and enclose a $5 bill in each. Look for yours in the mail.

on May 05, 2006
Must be your email name, as mine come in Japanese Cuniform.  Except the ones from Nigeria!
on May 05, 2006
Congratulations! I love being to help others by sending them my money.

I personally love the ones offering to help me enlarge a certain part of anatomy that I, as a female, am lacking. Those make my day.
on May 05, 2006

I personally love the ones offering to help me enlarge a certain part of anatomy that I, as a female, am lacking. Those make my day.

Ooooh!  Androgenous!

on May 05, 2006
you must forward this entire article to 117 friends in the nextt 4 minutes or your penis will melt.
on May 05, 2006

you must forward this entire article to 117 friends in the nextt 4 minutes or your penis will melt.

Only in the mouth, not in the hands!  Mine is M&M.

on May 05, 2006
you must forward this entire article to 117 friends in the nextt 4 minutes or your penis will melt.

Only in the mouth, not in the hands! Mine is M&M.

You mean it's all sorts of colors???
on May 06, 2006
You mean it's all sorts of colors???

sounds like a nasty disease. Might wanna ask bluedev if he can refer a good specialist!
on May 08, 2006
Haha, you know, I get these too, very often, more than I want to think about right now! They are a pain in the rear and no matter how much I block their addresses another one comes at me from a different location!

PS Gid, Happy Birthday, you have a birthday blog from the Birthday Club on my blogsite.
on May 08, 2006

You mean it's all sorts of colors???

You're mean!  I owe you one for that!