The journey from there to here
Published on May 2, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

There's a pretty decent morning talk show host out of Amarillo that I listen to freqently. I usually try to call in once a week, although I pick my moments carefully, because they limit calls to once a week.

Yesterday I was listening to the radio in the afternoon, and I heard a commercial for that show. Like many call in shows, it played clips from various callers to advertise the show. As it was playing one such clip, I was finding myself agreeing with the caller on every point...and it took me a few seconds to realize it was one of MY calls.

I didn't recognize my own voice, because every time I have tried to tape record my own voice, I've gotten a case of "tape recorder anxiety". As a result, my voice comes out higher and more nasal than the voice I heard on the radio, which carried VERY well over the radio. The only reason I eventually recognized my call was because of the word usage. I have a style that is not easily copied, and certainly NEVER copied word for word like that call was.

I was pretty flattered to make the show's "highlight reel" of calls. It certainly will help for people to get to know who I am, as much of my district is within this station's listening area.

on May 02, 2006
What's the call numbers of that station? I remember listening to talk radio years ago while spending endless hours plowing wheat fields. I've just bought a new Bose radio and would like to hear some good talk radio now and then. I guess if I were'nt so lazy I would just LOOK for it, but it's so much easier to ask! haha...

on May 02, 2006
It's 710 am out of Amarillo. The show is "the John Terry Show".
on May 02, 2006
and now a word from our sponser..... "tired of the same old political hacks?" vote gid..

now back to our regular programing..
on May 02, 2006

Hey Martha!  Listen to this guy!  He is saying exactly what I feel!

John, shut up!  It is you!

Thanks for the laugh.  We really dont know how we sound since our voice is heard by us not through the air, but through our skulls.

on May 02, 2006
We really dont know how we sound since our voice is heard by us not through the air, but through our skulls.

So THAT'S why my voice always sounds hollow on a tape recorder!