The journey from there to here

As we sit in America waiting to see what May 1 has in store for us (the day that many Mexicans have promised to walk off the jobs and boycott all of our businesses), it has been interesting to see the media's refusal to cover an increasingly escalating conflict in our neighbor to the north.

Once again, the blogosphere has come to the rescue. As with the CBS forged documents scandal, the blogosphere has gone where MSM fears to tread.

While there is much I do not know about the Six Nations conflict in Canada, I do know it is reaching riotous proportions. Blogs have risen informing interested individuals as to how they can go to join the protestors, and how to give material support to those protestors already there. But what is glaringly absent is objective material on the reason for this conflict. A google search for "six nations" turns up many op-ed pieces and blogs but little of the hard hitting journalism you would expect to accompany a conflict that threatens to turn violent.

I believe it is time we stop letting the mainstream media dictate the information we receive. Time that we begin utilizing alternative news sources to get the facts on a situation. The MSM has consistently and appallingly failed to provide us with the hard hitting news coverage that we need to make informed decisions, and has concentrated instead on trying to subvert the American electoral process. They are becoming increasingly irrelevant, and I believe it's time we stop using them as our primary source of information.

on Apr 25, 2006
This is about the blockade in CALEDONIA, Ont?

on Apr 25, 2006


It's about the nearly complete lack of coverage of the incident, which is of some interest to myself and others.

on Apr 25, 2006
Is the local Ontario press covering it?

I understand your frustration, but he MSM is an American centered organization. The event is relatively non-violent and more localized and does not truly affect the US in a direct way.

on Apr 25, 2006
A google search for "six nations" turns up many op-ed pieces and blogs but little of the hard hitting journalism you would expect to accompany a conflict that threatens to turn violent.

while i'll concede there isn't a lotta us coverage, i believe it has less to do with the american media deliberately trying to keep us in the dark than it does the american public's usual & deplorable lack of concern about anything at all happening in canada.

having said that, even i gotta point out it seems a bit too much muchness to characterize the caledonia situation as a 'civil war'.

i'm also not sure how which side you support, but if it is the 6 nations', it would seem somewhat inconsistent with your recent article about reparations.

the day that many Mexicans have promised to walk off the jobs and boycott all of our businesses

if you're under the impression whatever happens on may 1 is gonna involve only mexicans, perhaps the media is failing to do its job.
on Apr 25, 2006

i'm also not sure how which side you support, but if it is the 6 nations', it would seem somewhat inconsistent with your recent article about reparations.

I want information, kingbee, nothing more, nothing less. This is a significant event, and I believe it should be covered.

I would also point out that CERTAIN (NOT all) aboriginal rights have a substantially different legal basis than reparations. While I don't tend to support them, I do support the right of people to be heard.


on Apr 25, 2006

if you're under the impression whatever happens on may 1 is gonna involve only mexicans, perhaps the media is failing to do its job.

What leads you to think it will spread beyond immigrants (legal and otherwise)?  I can see some of hispanic descent going out on strike in sympathy, but if there is a large non-immigrant segment that is going to go out as well, then you are correct.  The Media is failing to do its job.

on Apr 25, 2006
I can see some of hispanic descent going out on strike in sympathy

whatever demonstrations actually occur will be carried out by people who've come here from throughout central america and mexico, the carribean islands, asia, etc., as well as their first and second generation american children.

it's overly simplistic (as well as downright simple) to refer to them all as 'mexicans'.
on Apr 25, 2006
This is a significant event, and I believe it should be covered.

i don't disagree (altho, as i've already noted, it's hardly a civil war).
on Apr 25, 2006

i don't disagree (altho, as i've already noted, it's hardly a civil war).

Deliberate hyperbole, kingbee. It is the type of unrest, however, that occasionally escalates into such, and as such is newsworthy. The fact that it is being ignored bugs me.

on Apr 25, 2006

it's overly simplistic (as well as downright simple) to refer to them all as 'mexicans'.

Ok, that I agree with.  I thought you meant that there was a large 'non-affected' population that would be joining them.