George Takei, of Star Trek fame, has joined with a group of activists going to faith based private universities in an attempt to force those universities to change their admissions policies regarding homosexuals. In a shameful attempt to coopt the first amendment to the United States Constitution, Takei and his group of gay rights activists want to discuss the issues of faith and gay rights with the administrators of these colleges.
This, in my opinion, is precisely what is wrong with the gay rights movement. The majority of Christians, even the conservatives amongst us, accept the presence of homosexuals among us, even if we don't accept the practice. Aside from the admittedly draconian anti-gay marriage laws, most of us don't care what you choose to do within the privacy of your own homes.
But many of us do, and will continue to, take issue with those who choose to demand we rewrite our doctrine, and change our religion, to accept the homosexual community, or any other community whose activities defy what we believe to be right, based on careful examination of the scriptures.
It is one thing to ask us to respect the rights of homosexuals to exist, to live and work freely amongst us without fear. That is a humanitarian request, plain and simple. It is quite another thing to ask us to discard the very foundation of our faith in favor of liberal interpretations of scripture that have no historical basis in fact in the faith of the Christian church.