The journey from there to here
Published on April 13, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

In two days, I will receive my ECA (Early Care Attendant) certification. This is the Texas equivalent of the First Responder certification, and it qualifies me to take the test to register nationally as a first responder. It seems an eternity since I started my training, as I've had to host three LP conventions in that span (precinct, county, and district), and we've had two massive wildfires to combat in that span as well.

I'll be glad to have my Saturdays back, and the first thing I will be doing Monday morning is to take my jacket to have the patch embroidered on my shoulder. We've got a lot of "new blood" on the department, and not all of them respect some of us who have held the fort for some time. While the patch won't change that, it will always remind ME of what I've given to this department.

on Apr 13, 2006
Congratulations on a well earned reward!
on Apr 13, 2006
It wont let me edit.  I meant award, not reward!
on Apr 13, 2006
Good job, gid!

Having worked with several folks that have gotten the equivelant certification here in Virginia, I understand the level of effort required to even get close!

It's nice to know that the folks in that part of the Panhandle are in good hands.
on Apr 13, 2006
Congrats Gid!
on Apr 13, 2006
Congratulations Gideon.  It is always valuable to have those important skills.
on Apr 14, 2006
Well done !

I find the attitude you have encountered from the *incoming* prevalent through most groups in society. It seems to be a problem with the "instant" generation - they have no concept of "time served" or "respect due".