In testimony this past week, Alberto Gonzales left open the possibility that President Bush could order warrantless wiretaps on domestic conversations, in direct defiance of the fourth amendment and multiple high court rulings.
When the wiretap story broke, we were assured that the only warrantless wiretaps that were allowed in America were international calls that included a terror suspect on one or both sides of the conversation, despite the fact that under FISA law warrants can be obtained AFTER the fact. Now, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has refused to rule out warrantless wiretaps of American citizens on domestic calls.
The problem with this whole issue is that most Republicans have been as quick to defend the Bush administration, even when his actions are indefensible, as others have been to criticize him even when his actions are correct. There is absolutely NO SCENARIO under which the erasure of the Bill of Rights is acceptable. We have checks and balances for a reason, and the President does NOT have unlimited powers, even in time of war. The courts and the legislature exist for the reason of preventing the President's ability to exercise dictatorial control, an ability that the lock-step Republicans are all too willing to give him.
If this administration does not watch out, the GOP support base could erode as quickly as the Democrat support base appears to be eroding. There are too many Americans who cherish our liberties to see them brushed off at the whim of one man with a God complex, and those Americans may well speak loud and clear in November. If this does not happen, the death of democracy is all but imminent, as Gonzales' decree has all but negated one of the ten Bill of Rights, and if we give him this authority, it is only a matter of time until the other 9 are removed.
Gonzales' testimony gave a clear basis for the legislature to explore the possibility of impeachment. If it can be proven that Bush HAS ordered warrantless wiretaps of American citizens on domestic calls, he has CLEARLY violated the United States Constitution he swore to uphold. An investigation needs to be initiated NOW for the GOP to maintain its power base, and the chips need to fall where they may. Otherwise, we owe the Nixon family an apology.