The journey from there to here


As far as I know, this is still on, so until I hear otherwise, I'm going to flame away.

The first thing you should know is, I'm not Catholic. I'm as quick to crack a joke about some of the dogma and traditions as the next guy. But not being Catholic has nothing to do with the deep and abiding respect I have for the work Mother Theresa did over her lifetime among the poor.

So the idea of Paris Hilton portraying the icon in an upcoming movie is, to say the least, appalling.

Although there is controversy among critics about the life of the late nun, she is a woman who gave a life of service to her God and her church and some of the poorest of the world's poor. She eschewed the trappings of materialism that have become all but essential to Ms. Hilton's existence. The mere THOUGHT of Paris portraying the nun, then touching up her makeup from her $5,000 Gucci bag makes me shudder. The thought os her playing a holy woman, then hopping into a taxi at the end of the day to check out the night life is even more grotesque.

To ask an audience to see a multimillion dollar heiress and reality show tramp as a woman of God is asking the ultimate suspension of disbelief. While this may earn me a lifetime ban from a certain prominent hotel chain, asking the audience to see her as the indomitable, Nobel Peace Prize winning nun requires an acting talent that I honestly don't think Ms. Hilton possesses.

on Mar 29, 2006
This can't be serious.


So, are you saying you DON'T picture Paris Hilton as a virginal philanthropist who sacrifices her own comfort and overlooks her own needs in order to care for others?
on Mar 29, 2006
So, are you saying you DON'T picture Paris Hilton as a virginal philanthropist who sacrifices her own comfort and overlooks her own needs in order to care for others?

No, it's not that. It's just I think that her hair is all wrong for the part.

on Mar 29, 2006
Something tells me the story of Mother Theresa is going to be a little more explicit in this version. Who knew the nunnery was really a front for a sexy nun-themed brothel for cripples and the dying, with Theresa the sultry madam?

Apparently only the director...
on Mar 29, 2006
I'm flabbergasted. Please, somebody tell me this is a joke. Not Hilton. Almost anyone but Hilton.
on Mar 29, 2006

Apparently only the director...

The director will not be the first, nor I think the last that thinks degrading a person is their way of showing how much they despise people better than they can ever hope to be.

And Gideon, I betcha I know more Catholic Jokes than you!

I guess after the power and beauty of "The Passion of the Christ", this pea brain is trying to make "The passion and irrelevance of the Anti-Christ".