The journey from there to here
Published on March 18, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Humor

Jinny Robot Monster found a good website promoting the ice planet Hoth (if you're a Star Wars geek, you don't need an explanation. If you're not, you wouldn't understand it anyway) to host the 2014 Winter Olympics (Link ). I have another suggestion:

One continent has been consistently overlooked by the IOC, and that is the continent of Antarctica. Antarctica is the perfect choice, as it is internationally claimed, and has an abundance of ice and snow so that our athletes can do their thing. While it is only currently populated by scientists, that should change if the global warming doomsayers are correct, and as our coastal cities go the way of Atlantis, Antarctica should begin developing a climate more on par with the colder parts of earth's temperate zones. The fact that we will be arriving in the summer, when temperatures are a little less extreme would be a benefit as well.

To promote Antarctica's 2014 Olympic bid, I am chartering the Antarctica Tourism Council. We will begin scoping out sites for development to build an Olympic community of which the world can truly be proud.

I will, of course, need money for this endeavour. That is where you come in.

For the modest donation of $100, you can receive a cheap certificate printed out on my computer certifying you as an ATC member and an Antarctica 2014 charter partner (sans Olympic rings of course, we don't want to get sued here). Up your donation to $500 and I'll find someone to laser engrave it in one of those glass paperweight thingies. For $1000, I'll pitch a tent in my backyard and you can stay with my family for a week while I provide an open bar (utilities and airfare extra).

So how 'bout it, folks? Get on the Antarctica 2014 bandwagon NOW!


on Mar 19, 2006

Gideon, in Humor?  !

But as Officer Clutsky, I have to shut your operation down.  Sorry, the UN charter prohibits the commercial exploitation of the last wilderness continent.  You will have to take your show to Hoth. 

on Mar 20, 2006
Since Antarctica is technically a desert (it's just so cold that what little precipitation does fall never gets out) you'd be able to market it as the first Winter Olympics to be held in the desert.
on Mar 20, 2006
Since Antarctica is technically a desert (it's just so cold that what little precipitation does fall never gets out) you'd be able to market it as the first Winter Olympics to be held in the desert.

Ooooh, me likes!

Sorry, the UN charter prohibits the commercial exploitation of the last wilderness continent. You will have to take your show to Hoth.

The UN headquarters are located in NYC. In every disaster movie ever made, NYC is one of the first to go. So the UN bigwigs will be swimming with the fishies before too long. I shall proceed as planned, with my penguin minions to assist!