The journey from there to here

in 2000, Casey Gann was a desperate woman. She was homeless and jobless at the time and was duped by CPS case workers in Michigan into believing that placing her children in foster care was in the best interests of those children. In 2002, the state of Michigan terminated her parental rights, insisting she had not completed enough of court ordered services to retain those rights. A year later, her oldest son, Ricky, was adopted by Tim and Lisa Holland, who later adopted two of Ricky's half siblings.

On July 2, 2005, Tim Holland called police and informed them that Ricky was missing, suspecting he'd run away. Shortly after, the Hollands completed the adoption process of the last of Ricky's siblings.

A nationwide manhunt and Amber Alert was issued for Ricky, and "America's Most Wanted" aired a show on the missing 7 year old. on January 27, 2006, after police had been investigating the Hollands, Tim Holland led police to young Ricky's remains.

This is hardly an isolated incident. Incidents of abuse, neglect, and homicide have shown themselves to be substantially higher in foster homes than among the general population. The reasons are immaterial; the cover-up by the state "Child Protective Services", however, is VERY material, and is entirely inexcusable.

CPS removes children from the homes of loving parents, all too often because the parents are impoverished. They remove them on the assumption that the state can provide a better home, a safer home, than the parents, and that is all too often not the case. I can testify to the fact that my own exposure to drug abuse and to sexual predators came chiefly not from my parents, who were admittedly dysfunctional, but from the state, whose agents would ironically believe everything bad we said about our biological parents while dismissing everything bad we said about our foster parents as a lie. And yet in this case, as well as the 1987 murder of Lisa Steinberg, the children were dead at the hands of the very people that were chosen to select and to rear them as parents, and who had PASSED the states' criteria for parenting.

The evidence on Ricky Holland is compelling. It appears he was a victim of long time abuse and torture from his parents, something unimaginable for an adult, let alone a child whose instinct is to trust his caregivers to protect him.

It is time we correct the system that has so long allowed, and even condoned these abuses. It is time we begin holding these agencies accountable for their actions. But our lawmakers, and the citizens who elect them, consistently refuse to do so. As I speak, I have been trying to access the "Citizen Review Board" mandated by state law to oversee CPS. The fact is, placement on the board is highly protected by the director of CPS, apparently to include only those who will rubber stamp CPS' actions. I am a citizen, and am more informed than most, but have been unable to even gain information on how to be considered for appointment, despite my repeated efforts to get my name "on the list". Unless the oversight of CPS is open to the general public, it is unlikely that it will ever improve.

Ricky Holland and others like him deserve justice. While Ricky's mother may not have had financial means, she was never shown to be the monster that the "loving parents" the state provided turned out to be. As Ricky rests in peace, his three siblings will have to live the remainder of their lives with the nightmare of their brother's death, not to mention any abuse they may have received at the hands of these state sponsored child abusers. It's time we put an end to this by gutting the system that allowed it to happen.

Whenever you see a news story telling you about all of the good done by CPS, I want you to remember Ricky Holland. Look at his picture, and don't ever forget it:

on Mar 10, 2006
No, the biggest crime is that nothing will be done to CPS about this situation and the others like it.  For that will allow more Rickys to be ground up in the bureaucracy that is CPS, and their best intentions paving the road to hell.
on Mar 12, 2006
Not sure why you're still posting here Gideon, when you could be building a revenue audience at your own site, say at It's free there too.

Simply use the Google Ads to produce revenue - yes, it'll take a while to build an audience, but you did it here after all. Why not get paid for it too? I remember reading about your hard times ... nice if you can build your own nest-egg

on Mar 15, 2006


I have a blogspot site, linked on my sidebar. Trouble is, the articles I write don't seem to generate the right sorts of ads. I was averaging $1 to $2 a month on blogspot in adsense revenue.

I'm working on retooling the site and others to try to make them a bit more lucrative. But I don't want my blog to become one big commercial as a result (which is why I got rid of the popunders REAL quick!). If you have any good ideas on how to get more out of my site, I am all ears.

on Mar 15, 2006
Gideon, while I respect your principled opposition to CPS, I think it's a mistake to describe what they do as "state-sponsored terrorism".

Terrorism is essentially a military tactic to influence enemy morale and achieve political objectives in a state of war.

Using the word "terrorism" to describe what is actually incompetence and wrongheadedness on the part of a government agency confuses the issue, misleads the inattentive and uninformed, and devalues the word. We're already seeing far too much definition creep from politicians, when it comes to terrorism.

I'm sure you could figure out a way to characterize CPS activities as an intentional terror campaign, but I really hope you don't. I understand that you feel very strongly about these issues, but strong feelings don't always make for rational arguments.
on Mar 15, 2006
Gideon, while I respect your principled opposition to CPS, I think it's a mistake to describe what they do as "state-sponsored terrorism".

Terrorism is essentially a military tactic to influence enemy morale and achieve political objectives in a state of war.

Using the word "terrorism" to describe what is actually incompetence and wrongheadedness on the part of a government agency confuses the issue, misleads the inattentive and uninformed, and devalues the word. We're already seeing far too much definition creep from politicians, when it comes to terrorism.

I'm sure you could figure out a way to characterize CPS activities as an intentional terror campaign, but I really hope you don't. I understand that you feel very strongly about these issues, but strong feelings don't always make for rational arguments.
on Apr 28, 2006
I really think charges should be brought against CPS, judges, lawyers that were overseeing Ricky and couldn't see abuse. Doctors that diagnosed all those medical conditions on what Lisa was telling them, at least that is what I read. I have been contacting my State Senator, the governor, the director of Human Services, the attorney general, and everyone else I can think of. This is where a large amount of people can make a difference, but I don't know how to organize something like this. They need to change laws and policies to protect these children. This should never have happened. I also blame the school system for not following up on what they suspected, they seen him on a daily basis, and could have done a lot more; especailly the 1st grade teacher.

I think your article is right on.

I also have been trying to find out if there are going to be any rallies for Ricky? It will be 1 year on July 1 that he died, I would think something would be going on. Things have been too quiet, and I worry that people will forget. The trial is in late summer, and I want to see justice done for this child.

I really think that Ricky needs someone to speak for him, he has no one. Lived in a torture chamber, abused most of his short life, and so viciously murdered. People should be shouting from the roof tops.
on May 02, 2006
i have a grandson who has been physically, emotionally and sexually abused. Ingham county cps has done our grandson wrong as well. the defending family is put on the defense. Colin parks was more concerned with someone smoking a cigarette in our home then he was about what the step daddy put into the little boy in the closet.

the attorney that we paid tens of thousands of dollars to walked out mid stream when my husband had to quit his job due to his being a heart patient and the stress of all of this and his job caused him more health problems. with our income cut in half, the attorney took a powder. walked out on a child that she knew was being abused. we estimate our contribution to ms stowes childrens college fund to be approaching 60 thousand dollars. when i wrote the last three thousand dollar check to her she bounced in her chair while clapping her hands. she snagged the check and that was the last we saw of her. she still bills us for an outstanding 700 dollars and threatening our credit. 700 boils down to less then three hours of work from ms stowe.

our grandson is subject to abuse at the hands of his mother who is mentally ill, her new husband and the mothers 16 year old brother also mentally ill. the maternal family are almost all bi polar.

the legal system is horrendous. it will truly take a book to tell our grandsons story. i have decided that i will do it. i will cc every child abuse prevention organaiztion in the area. they will all know our story and they will all know that everyone knows. we will see then if anyone steps up to save one little boy.

we are going public and political on child abuse. we plan to form a coalition of good families fighting against a system who will not listen. who are so pig headed as to what they conclude, no matter how fictional or how much they assume. we will be loud and we will be relentless.

we have been fighting this last bout of abuse, which is sexual molestation by the two men mentioned. we have been in court for two years now, waiting for the system to protect our dear grandson. in the meantime we must hand him over to his abusers for visitation.

anyone interested in starting a real action coalition to fight against child victims of the system please email me
on May 02, 2006
i have a grandson who has been physically, emotionally and sexually abused. Ingham county cps has done our grandson wrong as well. the defending family is put on the defense. Colin parks was more concerned with someone smoking a cigarette in our home then he was about what the step daddy put into the little boy in the closet.

the attorney that we paid tens of thousands of dollars to walked out mid stream when my husband had to quit his job due to his being a heart patient and the stress of all of this and his job caused him more health problems. with our income cut in half, the attorney took a powder. walked out on a child that she knew was being abused. we estimate our contribution to ms stowes childrens college fund to be approaching 60 thousand dollars. when i wrote the last three thousand dollar check to her she bounced in her chair while clapping her hands. she snagged the check and that was the last we saw of her. she still bills us for an outstanding 700 dollars and threatening our credit. 700 boils down to less then three hours of work from ms stowe.

our grandson is subject to abuse at the hands of his mother who is mentally ill, her new husband and the mothers 16 year old brother also mentally ill. the maternal family are almost all bi polar.

the legal system is horrendous. it will truly take a book to tell our grandsons story. i have decided that i will do it. i will cc every child abuse prevention organaiztion in the area. they will all know our story and they will all know that everyone knows. we will see then if anyone steps up to save one little boy.

we are going public and political on child abuse. we plan to form a coalition of good families fighting against a system who will not listen. who are so pig headed as to what they conclude, no matter how fictional or how much they assume. we will be loud and we will be relentless.

we have been fighting this last bout of abuse, which is sexual molestation by the two men mentioned. we have been in court for two years now, waiting for the system to protect our dear grandson. in the meantime we must hand him over to his abusers for visitation.

anyone interested in starting a real action coalition to fight against child victims of the system please email me
on May 02, 2006
I can tell you this that the laws have to be changed and penatlies have to be tougher for child abusers. Most know they will not get much more than a slap on the wrist. These poor defenseless children need more protection.

Foster care adoptions need to be monitored on a continuing basis after adoption. The children are living in torture chambers and can't do a thing about it.
on May 03, 2006
Using the word "terrorism" to describe what is actually incompetence and wrongheadedness on the part of a government agency confuses the issue, misleads the inattentive and uninformed, and devalues the word. We're already seeing far too much definition creep from politicians, when it comes to terrorism.


I disagree strongly with this. When families must draw their shades, fear every knock on the door, and live in a cloistered environment because of the very real possibility that every action they undertake is being seen and recorded, THAT is terrorism. When parents must make sure every seam is straight and there is not a single stain on their child's clothing because if there is, they may never see their children again, that is terrorism. When children are indoctrinated to believe their parents are evil simply because they were poor, and raised to hate those parents, THAT is terrorism. When children are sent to school, to be snatched away and never returned, THAT is terrorism. When parents are forced to live in a prison without walls because some social worker had a quota to fill, THAT is terrorism. We need strong language to fight such strong injustices, and no kinder words will do.

Ricky Holland was killed because his mother was uninformed enough to TRUST the state, a state that betrayed that trust. Such betrayal is not unique to the Ricky Holland case.