The journey from there to here
Published on March 8, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

Well, we had to take my oldest for her eye exam today. Turns out her far vision's pretty lousy, although she's never complained about it.

For her the best part was (of course) choosing frames for the glasses. The optician brought out the frames and one of the first she tried was pink colored. I know my kids, and knew she was pretty much sold on those. She tried on a few more pairs, but went back to the pink. We went with wire frames because I, as a long time wearer, know that they are lighter and MUCH more durable.

We have to wait a few days (ahhh, the joys of living in small town America), but within a week, she should be seeing right again. I will just have to teach her how to adjust to wearing them.

on Mar 08, 2006
My first pair of glasses were pink, too! Tell her all the cool kids start out with pink frames!

We have to wait a few days (ahhh, the joys of living in small town America),

I live in "big town" America and had to wait more than a week to get most recent pair of glasses. I think a couple of days sounds fast!
on Mar 08, 2006
How old is she?  WHile my mother and optometrist knew I needed glasses from the age of 6 (and hence why I always sat in front of the class - I was not a teacher suck up), I did not get them until I was 9, and then realized how much I had been missing!  I just plain did not know, as I suspect your daughter did not until she got hers as well.
on Mar 08, 2006
I prefer the Rose Colored Contacts...
on Mar 08, 2006
my youngest started wearing glasses when he was nearly five. We had no idea how bad his vision was. His glasses looked like the bottoms of coke bottles and really magnified his eyes. I remember worrying abou how in the world was I gonna get a five year old to keep glasses on! But it was no problem, he took to them instantly because he could finally see the world he was missing.

I'm lucky- or at least have been. My vision has always be excellent. One optometrist I went to in the early eighties told me I had the best vision he had ever seen. But now at, I can tell it's beginning to not be so good. heh, I'll be the one, not my five year old, that will be hard to train.