The journey from there to here
A Rant
Published on March 8, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

Warning: This article may be offensive to Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Marxists (both of Groucho and Karl variety), Leninists, Mexicans, Europeans, Australians, Gays, Straights, Transsexuals, Martians, Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Greens, or the American Apathy party. It may, if ingested, cause gastrointestinal distress, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, hallucinations of you and Jessica Simpson engaged in indecent acts in a hot tub in Central Park, or any other variety of ailments. If I were you, I'd just stop reading here!

I have never been "fair" or "balanced". I have never made any claim to objectivity. In fact, in discussions on certain topics, I have made it clear that I refrain because I disagree wholly with the topic at hand.

Recently, I wrote an article detailing what I believe. Out of all of the respondents, ONE took exception to what I had written. ONE. And this DESPITE the fact that I had prefaced said article with a qualifier that I was going to offend pretty much anyone, and DESPITE the fact that I never said what the respondent accused me of saying. This resulted in an answer article where the blogger in question operated under the assumption that I had, in fact, said something that I had not. When I responded, I was accused of being irrational.

Here's the kicker. I should not have to preface everyone of my articles with qualifiers to hedge against every single person I might possibly offend. I don't have the time to cater to fragile egos and consider that a homosexual left armed Lilliputian born Serbian Catholic might find something offensive in what I said, or that an ethnic minority might consider an improperly placed adjective to be sound basis for jihad. Qualifying statements take the punch out of the article, and if you read an article, ANY article, on the Internet, you should understand that you are, in fact, stopping in someone else's living room, and THEIR standards apply.

I will say this, without qualifier: if you are so insecure in your faith that someone saying something that can be heard by every Evangelical Christian preacher in this country on a regular basis, perhaps you should reevaluate your faith. To say I should excuse your answer because you were "having a moment" ignores the fact that you blatantly refused to afford me the same consideration when my qualifiers were FAR more complex than yours. It is, in fact, asking me to be a bigger man than you are.

Here's the kicker, though. I'm NOT the bigger man. I've never BEEN the bigger man. I've never PROFESSED to be the bigger man. In fact, I have stated outright on numerous occasions that I am NOT fair, NOT balanced.

I've pretty  much had it with qualifiers, disclaimers and the like. If I have to add verbiage to coerce you into reading in context, it's just not worth it.


on Mar 08, 2006


He said he was having a moment.  He misread what you wrote.  It happens.

Don't be mad.

on Mar 08, 2006
I have little patience for people who use "having a moment" and "mistake in reading comprehension" as an excuse for being an ass on the Internet.

If you are prone to "moments" that interfere with your good judgement, and you can't identify them and hold off acting until the moment passes, then you have some serious self-control and self-awareness issues that need to be addressed before you come out into the world and rant at people. Seek help, not internet debate.

If you insist on coming out here and ranting anyways, don't complain when people take your rants at face value.

Seriously. Excuses, excuses. "I was acting like an ass because I was having a moment of irrational thought and failure of self-control". This assumes that I care about the "moment" you were having. This is never the case; in reality all I care about is that you were acting like an ass. Context, motivation, all that? That's your problem, not mine. You want to bring your problems to the table, then you're going to have a lot of problems on the table.

If I feel like picking up your problems and waving them around, or taking them in my mouth and giving them a good, hard, penguin-killing, leopard seal shake, you have nobody to blame but yourself. If you don't like having your problems treated that way, then take them off the table. Otherwise, shut up and play.
on Mar 08, 2006

If you are prone to "moments" that interfere with your good judgement, and you can't identify them and hold off acting until the moment passes, then you have some serious self-control and self-awareness issues

Hmmm...I thought it was called being HUMAN.

My bad.

on Mar 08, 2006
If you are prone to "moments" that interfere with your good judgement, and you can't identify them and hold off acting until the moment passes, then you have some serious self-control and self-awareness issues

Hmmm...I thought it was called being HUMAN.

You're right on that count. It IS called being human. But it's a door that swings both ways.

The issue for me was, when I wrote the article, I stated CLEARLY why I was writing it, I also stated that I WOULD offend pretty much everyone who read it, and I REITERATED that statement AFTER the initial reply, and BEFORE the article in question came out. I did everything I could to prepare someone with delicate sensibilities of what was coming.

I'll get over this with time, as with pretty much everything else. But for the moment, I reserve my right to be peeved. I detest the idea that I, or anyone, should have to double and triple check every word on the off chance that someone might read it and take it out of context.
on Mar 08, 2006

I don't have the time to cater to fragile egos and consider that a homosexual left armed Lilliputian born Serbian Catholic might find something offensive in what I said

Um {Raises hand}, that would be me.  But we prefer the term altitudinally challenged to Lilliputian.

on Mar 08, 2006
While it's true that "acting like an ass" is part of "being human", it's not true that "being human" is a valid excuse for "acting like an ass".

And like I said, I have little patience for people who try to make that excuse.

Too bad that "taking responsibility for acting like an ass" and "accepting the consequences for acting like an ass" don't appear to be part of "being human".

I guess my willingness to get royally flamed for being a total jerk in this thread marks me as some kind of bizarre space alien.
on Mar 08, 2006
Threads like this are why I'm glad JU isn't hosted in New Jersey....
on Mar 08, 2006

guess my willingness to get royally flamed for being a total jerk in this thread marks me as some kind of bizarre space alien.

more like a fish.

on Mar 10, 2006
Threads like this are why I'm glad JU isn't hosted in New Jersey....



people mistake comments... i know I do... and i know some people mistake my comments for somthing else it happens... and you are right you shouldnt have to cater to everyones need... but if somone does mistake your comment you should clarify what your real message to them was and them going in a fritz they shouldnt say "i was having a moment" .. instead they should apologize for mis-understanding the comment and being an ass... i was raised right

on Mar 10, 2006
Better disclaimer:

Warning: This article may be offensive to anything of living, dead or nonliving variety, and/or member of any political and/or religion group/entity. It may be also harmful in any form to anything when used in any way.

Much better, much more generic.
on Mar 10, 2006

Marxists (both of Groucho and Karl variety)

Here! (One of them, anyway.)