I actually like George Clooney as an actor. Even though I haven't seen the movie "Good Night and Good Luck", I appreciate Clooney's bringing the compelling story to the big screen. While I have NO desire to see "Syriana", I can respect Clooney's asking hard questions about current events, even if I wholly disagree with his conclusions.
What I CAN'T accept is Clooney's condescension towards the American public. He appreciates being "out of touch", and rightly points out that Hattie McDaniel's Oscar came at a time when segregation was still the norm in America. By doing so, he makes the obvious implication that current leftist agendas are morally comparable, and that those of us who do not agree are backwards, unenlightened, and/or morally inferior. We are, in other words, too stupid to think for ourselves.
In a year that saw a larger ticket sale drop than anytime in the last 25 years (1980 being the year of "Xanadu" and "The Blue Lagoon"), it is interesting that Hollywood activists would choose such a self destructive career path. While it is not improper to ask that we as a society allow others to live their lives as they choose, it is wholly unacceptable to repeatedly attempt to indocrinate us into the belief that such lifestyle choices are moral, decent, or normal. And yet producers continue to do just that on a regular basis by implicitly stating that we are too stupid to make such decisions without their assistance/input.
George Clooney may not be a spokesperson for all of Hollywood. But if Hollywood doesn't want their image cast by the likes of Clooney, I would suggest that a roll of duct tape over his mouth might be in order. But I'm guessing by the applause and acclaim that he perpetually receives, Hollywood DOES want him as their spokesman. And I'm further guessing that such decisions will further affect their box office intake.
Industry analysts will point to the home theater system as the reason for the decline in movie attendance. And it might well be a part of it. But I suggest that a larger part is a viewing public who is sick of the continual insults to their intelligence.