The journey from there to here

It's a day I knew would come. My oldest has decided that she is giving serious consideration to a semi-vegetarian diet (contrary to popular belief, "semi-vegeterian" is a dietary classification recognized by ALL dietitians and is, I believe, and important "first step" for someone who is considering transitioning to vegetarianism because of all the changes that need to be made for that to take place). I knew it would come because she has a deep love for animals.

Because she has a smaller build, however, we encouraged her to educate herself on a vegetarian diet first, to ensure that she gets enough iron and other minerals in her diet. I'm considering getting her her own copy of "diet for a small planet" that gives a terrific explanation of how to combine grains and legumes for complete program. I can't help wishing they made a "diet for a small planet for KIDS", though, because even though she can read at a high school level, she really doesn't like the dry text of materials targetted to older audiences.

As a sidenote, if any readers have any suggestions for good books on vegetarian diets for kids, please feel free to send them my way.

One question she asked about a vegetarian diet though, made me laugh. She wanted to know if shrimp counted as meat (she loves shrimp). As a non shellfish eater, perhaps I should buy some fresh shrimp (with the full body intact) sometime. I think that would end the shrimp fascination pretty

on Feb 09, 2006
Vegetarianism is something that I threaten my daughter with. "Eat your broccoli or next week will be meatless." When we talk about PETA she gets this paniced look on her face like someone, someday might force her to eat nothing but vegetables.

As for the shrimp thing, don't count on it. My daughter dug in and started popping the heads off like a pro. But then her favorite restaurant is a Sushi place where she gets octopus... lol. Wish I could help with the vegan thing, but it is like talking about an alien lifestyle in this place.
on Feb 09, 2006
I think it's great that you are willing to encourage your daugher's choice to be a vegetarian. Her choice will effect your family as much as it effects her. A lot of vegetarians I know still eat fish and seafood. I guess that is the definition of "semi vegetarian", but most I know do it for health reasons, not "PETA" reasons. ;~D

In fact, I've only met a few vegetarians who don't roll their eyes when they heat "The P word" ;~D
on Feb 09, 2006

You can be an "ethical" vegetarian and still think that PETA is evil.  They started a new milk campaign that has even a Vegan group that I belong to giving up on them.

"Cows are vegetarians" and "Raising vegetarian children" might contain a more interesting approach for her. 

My daughter is interested in being a vegetarian, but is not quite there yet.  She was eating steak the other day and asked if it was "Vegan".  I said, "well, the cow was, but eating the cow isn't."  I'm pretty sure she doesn't care.  But, that's OK because I eat Vegan for health, not ethics.

on Feb 09, 2006

I think it's great that you are willing to encourage your daugher's choice to be a vegetarian.

I encourage my children to learn as much as they can about everything. I DO present them with OUR values, but I am far more concerned with raising them to be analytical individuals than I am with raising them to accept MY standards.

on Feb 09, 2006
I was going to say that the full shrimp wont matter, but Baker beat me to it!  I actually have seen the live ones (albeit Indonesian fresh water variety).  Cute little fellars, but real tasty!
on Feb 10, 2006

...My 8 year old, when asked if she was interested in being a vegetarian as well, was pretty adamant about not following in her older sister's footsteps on this one. My five year old initially said she was interested, but when told what all it entailed said "no way" (we told her she wouldn't be able to eat steaks).

We're going to bring home a few brands of veggie burgers this weekend for my oldest to sample for her favorites.

on Feb 10, 2006
Veggie burgers? Those things are seriously unhealthy you know! You're better off just telling her to eat lots of salad with satay and egg. It's good for her, has enough iron to tide her over, and is sufficiently bland she'll give it up in a few weeks so you don't have to face the added expense of a healthy and balanced vego diet.

Of course I'm fairly biased against vegetarianism, so take that how you will.
on Feb 10, 2006
Of course I'm fairly biased against vegetarianism, so take that how you will.

So am I! I am a PETV member!
on Feb 12, 2006

Please understand, I do not have an ethical opposition to meat. But this is a decision my DAUGHTER is choosing to make, not me. I encourage my children to make choices for themselves, and this area is no different.

If she wants a veggie burger, I'll get her a veggie burger. It's no LESS healthy than a hamburger!

on Feb 12, 2006
If she wants a veggie burger, I'll get her a veggie burger. It's no LESS healthy than a hamburger!

Veggie burgers are damn delicious. Try Boca brand in the flame grilled version.