The journey from there to here
Published on February 8, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

Pop singer Brittney Spears is defending herself over photos that show her driving with her baby on her lap instead of strapped to the car seat. She defends herself by saying that she was trying to avoid paparazzi and didn't have time to strap in her child. This incident, however, is a glaring example of the two sets of justice we have in America.

If Brittney were an average citizen, that photo would have been more than enough evidence to remove Brittney's child from her home, due to concerns over the health and safety of the child. Her home would have been searched from top to bottom, and she would be facing a long future in court defending allegations of being an unfit parent. While social services are investigating, they've publicly stated that they do not expect any action to be taken. I assure you, they would not make such a statement if that were you or I.

Looking at the photo, I find Spears' claims of being hurried to avoid paparazzi hard to believe. There is not much blur in the background, which would seem to indicate she was not going at a high rate of speed, and neither her facial expressions nor the baby's convey any sense of urgency. Even if her claim were true, wouldn't the fact that she would be racing to avoid paparazzi be even MORE reason to strap the baby in? After all, one need look no further than Princess Diana to see the consequences of a high speed crash, and a baby on the seat in its mother's lap would be a certain projectile in the event of a crash.

Spears is not the first celebrity to act irresponsibly with her children. And she won't be the last. I am sure we well remember Michael Jackson's dangling his baby over a balcony's edge. But it is beyond the pale when 580,000 children linger in US foster care on far less serious allegations, while celebrities act with impunity.

California's Child Protective Services has more than enough reason to act here. Because they don't, it behooves us to ask the question WHY they don't. Could it be that placing their policies and procedures under a microscope of public scrutiny would expose them for what they really are and bring their house of cards crashing down? To steal a highly appropriate phrase here, Inquiring minds want to know!

Comments (Page 4)
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on Feb 09, 2006
If all of these entertainers really truly wanted to do away with paparazzi, doesn't it seem like they could get together and get some sort of legislation passed?

God please no! No more laws! Why cant we allow people to be stupid? It is an inalieanable human right! Yes tragedy does happen, but when you wish a law upon a star, it falls upon you and me!
on Feb 09, 2006
you harbor the fantasy that she might actually sleep with you, and you don't want to do anything to hurt your chances.

That's precisely why I've stayed out of this argument.

Good one Tex!

Smart man!
on Feb 09, 2006
Good one Tex!

LOL.. touche.

*Bows* Thank you, thank you.

I promise you, I am a first-rate smartass. Hehe.
on Feb 09, 2006
RE: #47 by Texas Wahine

Sure, I can see that, but it wasn't much different when she *gasp* walked barefoot into a public restroom, and people won't shut up about her husband. No different than all the "Jessica Simpson is so stupid" feeding frenzies. After lurking around conversations like this it becomes apparent that the hotter the target it the more venom.

Frankly, she doesn't have enough junk in the trunk for me, so I'm not particularly biased towards her. She's genetically 'hick', so in that area I feel an affinity. Don't get me wrong, I'd bang her like a screen door in a tornado, but then, I'd have to be a lot more irrational to believe that Britney would show up at my door.

It would be more understandable to make myself feel better by dismissing Mr. Pitt, wouldn't you say? Ewww, I feel so sorry for their kids. How awful, maybe they'll even LOOK like him... *shudder*
on Feb 09, 2006

God please no! No more laws! Why cant we allow people to be stupid? It is an inalieanable human right! Yes tragedy does happen, but when you wish a law upon a star, it falls upon you and me!

Boy did you ever miss the point of that comment Dr Guy! I don't want more laws. I just don't want celebrities to have special treatment as far as the current ones go and I want them to stop bitching about the paparazzi when they use it as a tool. They aren't the powerless victims they try to make themselves out to be. If they really wanted to do something about it, they could.
on Feb 10, 2006
Did anybody else notice that she didn't roll up the window? If she was that scared.....why did she leave her window down? And others have pointed out that she wasn't wearing a seatbelt either.....what can I say? Who knows what really happened, but Gid is right...only a celebrity would get away with it.
on Feb 10, 2006
I agree with Gid here. Britney Spears showed a terrible lack of judgement here. She didn't "make a mistake", she "made a decision". According to the law of the state of California, she made an illegal decision. One that millions of other parents make every day.

If taking her child away is what the current penalty on the books, well, it's a stupid law, but if it's enforced for others, hey, Miss Britney don't fart sunshine and roses, treat her like everyone else.

If taking the child away is an outrageous penalty for this particular choice (which I think it is), then the penalty should be adjusted to fit the crime.

I admit, I cringe when I see unrestrained kids. Mostly because I've seen what can happen. Unrestrained kids don't need an accident to get hurt, only a quick breaking for little bunny foo foo hoppy 'cross the road, or even a normal turn on a city street.

The ONLY reason I support child car seat and seatbelt laws is, a child in a car seat or seat belt is one less distraction for the driver.
on Feb 10, 2006
reason I support child car seat and seatbelt laws is, a child in a car seat or seat belt is one less distraction for the driver.

That's a good point too ParaTed. I don't even like seeing pets on people's laps due to the same reason. Most people can't drive well without any distractions!
on Feb 10, 2006
Assumption for this comment: This is a real picture of Brittney Spears, the famous person, and it accuratly depicts a real, unstaged event and that the car is in motion, etc. etc. - an assumption for the purpose of comment.

Look at the label! CHILD protection law.

It's not about Brittney Spears. It's the about the right of a helpless and defenseless child who is relying upon an adult person for their care.

BS could not possibly react safely to even a minor emergency.

If I were a child protection officer in the State of California with proper jurisdiction over this matter, I would consider it a matter of my duty to follow-up on this. (see assmption)
on Feb 10, 2006
California's Child Protective Services has more than enough reason to act here.

Gid, I spoke with my wife last evening about this subject, (LCSW and sr manager in adolesent facility and tightly aligned with CPS here in CA). Sorry to say she says there's likely little CPS could do aside from creating a record of this event. They wouldn't take the child away, not even temporarily.
on Feb 10, 2006
Boy did you ever miss the point of that comment Dr Guy! I don't want more laws. I just don't want celebrities to have special treatment as far as the current ones go and I want them to stop bitching about the paparazzi when they use it as a tool. They aren't the powerless victims they try to make themselves out to be. If they really wanted to do something about it, they could.

Sorry, I guess my dramatic self just dont cut it. I was being overly dramatic to emphasize the point.

I told you my son was the artistic one! I am just really lame!
on Feb 10, 2006
Did anybody else notice that she didn't roll up the window?

Did you notice the clarity of the picture? have you ever had a picture that clear taken of you while driving?
on Feb 10, 2006
Did you notice the clarity of the picture? have you ever had a picture that clear taken of you while driving?

I don't think she was driving fast and the photog was probably matching her speed and had a very powerful camera setup. I've never had paparazzi take a picture of me driving, have you?

I really hope nobody is suggestion she should have her child taken from her. I think the whole point is she shouldn't have preferential treatment. I never heard anything about her getting a ticket. Did anyone else? I don't know how anyone could argue against her at least deserving a ticket and a warning.
on Feb 10, 2006
Honestly, I think the best thing that could happen here is for Britney to be embarrassed enough by the bad press that she doesn't ever do it again.
on Feb 10, 2006
Honestly, I think the best thing that could happen here is for Britney to be embarrassed enough by the bad press that she doesn't ever do it again.

I totally agree TW.
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