The journey from there to here
Published on February 8, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

Pop singer Brittney Spears is defending herself over photos that show her driving with her baby on her lap instead of strapped to the car seat. She defends herself by saying that she was trying to avoid paparazzi and didn't have time to strap in her child. This incident, however, is a glaring example of the two sets of justice we have in America.

If Brittney were an average citizen, that photo would have been more than enough evidence to remove Brittney's child from her home, due to concerns over the health and safety of the child. Her home would have been searched from top to bottom, and she would be facing a long future in court defending allegations of being an unfit parent. While social services are investigating, they've publicly stated that they do not expect any action to be taken. I assure you, they would not make such a statement if that were you or I.

Looking at the photo, I find Spears' claims of being hurried to avoid paparazzi hard to believe. There is not much blur in the background, which would seem to indicate she was not going at a high rate of speed, and neither her facial expressions nor the baby's convey any sense of urgency. Even if her claim were true, wouldn't the fact that she would be racing to avoid paparazzi be even MORE reason to strap the baby in? After all, one need look no further than Princess Diana to see the consequences of a high speed crash, and a baby on the seat in its mother's lap would be a certain projectile in the event of a crash.

Spears is not the first celebrity to act irresponsibly with her children. And she won't be the last. I am sure we well remember Michael Jackson's dangling his baby over a balcony's edge. But it is beyond the pale when 580,000 children linger in US foster care on far less serious allegations, while celebrities act with impunity.

California's Child Protective Services has more than enough reason to act here. Because they don't, it behooves us to ask the question WHY they don't. Could it be that placing their policies and procedures under a microscope of public scrutiny would expose them for what they really are and bring their house of cards crashing down? To steal a highly appropriate phrase here, Inquiring minds want to know!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 09, 2006

Two-minute trip? Big deal.

It's a big deal if you get hit by an SUV running a red at 60mph.  Have any idea what would happen to that baby if the air bag went off during any impact?

on Feb 09, 2006
It's a big deal if you get hit by an SUV running a red at 60mph.

If this. If that. The world might blow up tomorrow. Do you want all kids to wear veils like Michael Jackson's? Do you want to lock them in their rooms for the rest of their lives? Were you ever injured as a child? You survived, didn't you? Why don't you take your kids and live in a cave? Oh, wait, there might be a cave-in. Well, Jeez, I guess no place is 100% safe. I guess we're all screwed. Maybe we should leave it to Big Brother to decide what's best for everybody.
on Feb 09, 2006
Icono, you don't have kids do you. Anyone who has brought a child into this world and takes that responsibilty seriously knows that there are calculated risks and there are senseless risks. Having a baby right up against an airbag in a moving vehicle is a senseless risk.

There is a big difference between letting your child risk injury while learning to deal with and enjoy the world and risking injury for absolutely no good reason. Sure, your child can get hurt riding a bike, sliding down a snow hill, etc. but those are things that can be enjoyed and the child can learn about themselves and the world around them. What is to be gained by having an infant in your lap in a moving vehicle? I'll answer that, nothing. What is at risk? Everything that baby could ever have.

Why don't you take your kids and live in a cave?

Why don't you avoid reproducing?
on Feb 09, 2006
well, if Miss Britney doesn't bother with a seatbelt for herself, she probably doesn't usually bother with them for her kid either.

Of course, she is a star and the Law of Momentum Conseration is beneath stars... but what about their kids? ;~D
on Feb 09, 2006
Jill, I suppose you think you're going to be a perfect parent and you'll never make any mistakes with your kid. Maybe he or she should be taken from you some day. I hope so. Then we'll see how you like it.
on Feb 09, 2006

If this. If that. The world might blow up tomorrow. Do you want all kids to wear veils like Michael Jackson's? Do you want to lock them in their rooms for the rest of their lives? Were you ever injured as a child? You survived, didn't you? Why don't you take your kids and live in a cave? Oh, wait, there might be a cave-in. Well, Jeez, I guess no place is 100% safe. I guess we're all screwed. Maybe we should leave it to Big Brother to decide what's best for everybody.

Yes, the world is filled with "what ifs".  PARENTS have the RESPONSIBILITY to keep their children safe whenever possible.  We didn't have decapitating air bags when I was a child, we do now.  There are even signs in every car that comes with one that due to the possibility of death, small children should be kept away from air bags.  This is an INFANT that we are talking about.  An infant that can't make any decisions for themselves.  It's not like thy could learn from having an airbag kill them because their Mom was too stupid to secure them in a seat away from it.  As a parent, your child is your #1 priority.

I guess your Mom didn't worry when you kept falling on your head repeatedly as a child.....

on Feb 09, 2006

Jill, I suppose you think you're going to be a perfect parent and you'll never make any mistakes with your kid. Maybe he or she should be taken from you some day. I hope so. Then we'll see how you like it.

You're walking a dangerous line there.  Wishing that somebody has their children taken away is not a wise thing to say.  You may want to rethink that.

on Feb 09, 2006
You may want to rethink that.

But she doesn't need to rethink her last statement to me, or you either?
on Feb 09, 2006
Here's the breakdown of my opinions on the matter:

Britney is a vapid bimbo. She and Federline are poor excuses for humans and probably shouldn't have procreated but that can be said about a large part of the population. She is a bad parent and dumb in general for her actions but I don't think it is anything child services should be concerned with. I think she should have been given a ticket and warning for breaking seatbelt and child restraint laws.

I personally think that child services should only be there to enforce laws not dictate how people should be raising their children. It is a rare occurence that a kid is actually better off in a foster home than with their own parent. If the parent is breaking a law and endangering their child/ren as a result, that is one thing. If some agency "feels" the parents are doing an inadequate job, that is entirely different and entirely wrong.

Perhaps child services is just another way that we are fooling around too much with natural selection. Perhaps our society needs to be less litigious if we want to get back the rights to deal with our families as we see fit. For instance, if Mrs. Federline wants to drive with her baby on her lap, fine, except if she gets in a car accident and the baby dies, it becomes a manslaughter case. That is the ridiculous society we live in.

Also, to all of you who said "well my parents let me sit on their laps when I was a kid", mine did too but we didn't have air bags and child restraint laws like we do now. Driving with your baby on your lap might be really stupid, but there isn't a law against being stupid and people do stupid things with their kids all the time. But she did get caught breaking the child restraint law so give her a ticket and move on.

If all of these entertainers really truly wanted to do away with paparazzi, doesn't it seem like they could get together and get some sort of legislation passed? The thing is, it is a love hate relationship. They bitch endlessly about not having any privacy but would die if they showed up at an event and didn't have them with their $10k gown on every magazine cover the next day.

I say, she reaps the benefits, she can deal with the price.

And that's all I have to say about that.
on Feb 09, 2006

But she doesn't need to rethink her last statement to me, or you either?

If you can't see the difference in what we said to you, and you hoping that somebody has their children taken away, then you might as well leave this site on your own.  You do also realize that by saying that, you are saying that you hope that the owner of this site has his kids taken away, right?  Not too bright of a thing to do.

on Feb 09, 2006
Ok, I take back this

I hope so. Then we'll see how you like it.

but not the rest.
on Feb 09, 2006

Jill, I suppose you think you're going to be a perfect parent and you'll never make any mistakes with your kid. Maybe he or she should be taken from you some day. I hope so. Then we'll see how you like it.

For one thing, noone that I am aware of suggested taking the kid away from Britney. It is one thing to say a person is stupid and a bad parent. It is another to say their kids should be taken away.

I don't know how you concluded that I was suggesting I would never make mistakes with my kids. I guess you didn't comprehend the whole part about calculated risk in my comment. You also didn't say whether or not you are a parent. I take my responsibility as a parent more seriously than anything else in my life.

I have a 9yr old, a 5yr old and am pregnant. I guarantee noone would survive trying to take any of my children away from me. But then again, I have never given anyone any reason to consider doing so. I don't do stupid things with my kids or my own life for that matter. I value life too much.

If you value your life here on JU, I would suggest you not say things like hoping someone's kids get taken from them. You really need to reevaluate what transpired here if you feel justified in saying such a thing. If I had said "I hope you are never able to have children" you might be able to compare it. That is not the case.
on Feb 09, 2006
I don't know how you concluded that I was suggesting I would never make mistakes with my kids.

Because you seem to think Britney has to be a perfect parent.
on Feb 09, 2006
Jill, I suppose you think you're going to be a perfect parent and you'll never make any mistakes with your kid. Maybe he or she should be taken from you some day. I hope so. Then we'll see how you like it.

Icono, you're crossing the line buddy, big time! Quit while you're ahead!
on Feb 09, 2006
Telling the owner of this site's wife that you hope her children are taken away someday in order to advance a point in a stupid argument over someone as irrelevant as Britany Spears.

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