The journey from there to here
Published on February 28, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Entertainment

Jamie Foxx really irritated me last night.

Now, I didn't see the movie "Ray", and can't comment on whether his performance was Oscar worthy or not (although can't help but feel a little Oscar hypocrisy when they denied Denzel for so many wonderful performances on the premise that he hadn't built up a significant enough body of work to get an Oscar, and when he finally received one, it was for one of his LESSER roles). I have only seen clips from "Ray", and what I have seen definitely causes me to be inclined to see the movie. I'm sure Foxx did a great job.

But what ticked me off was towards the beginning of his speech, when he said "this is a great African-American moment".


Now, I don't know Foxx's lineage, but I'm willing to bet he didn't immigrate from Africa. In fact, I'd almost be willing to wager it's been a good century or so since his ancestors left those faraway shores. That notwithstanding, the question remains: does Foxx want to be a great "African-American" actor, or does he want to be a great ACTOR. Period. Race notwithstanding. Personally, I would hope he would choose the latter. (side note: when did "African-American" become PC again? Can someone PLEASE send me email updates RE: PC terminology?)

Frankly, I have to wonder how much flap there would have been if Clint Eastwood would have referred to his "Best Picture" win as "a great Euro-American moment".

Mr. Foxx, your Oscar speech was, in short, a disappointment.

on Feb 28, 2005
Okay that sux - I just wrote a really lengthy reply and it's gone
on Feb 28, 2005
In short I said that

I believe Denzel Washington was the first Afrian-American to win a Best Actor gong. That this year there were 4 African Americans with 5 nominations (Foxx with 2) that in itself is a record but not only that Morgan Freeman won the Best Supporting Actor and Foxx took the Best Actor (2nd ever)
Thats 2 gongs in one night.

It's against the norm for a non caucasian or Non American to win in the top 5 categories (Actor/Actress/Director).

Italians all over celebrated the year Roberto Benigni (Life is Beautiful) took the best Actor over Tom Hanks in Saving Private Ryan (which was my pick).
Hungarians cheered for American born Adrian Brody's win two years ago for the Pianist

And Australians all over are celebrating the long overdue win for "our Cate" like we celebrate every win of Geoffrey Rush.
on Feb 28, 2005
That comment must have passed me by...the only things I remember are the sweet words he said about his grandmother...
on Mar 01, 2005
Wow, apparently my reply vanished in the ether also...
on Mar 01, 2005
I have always felt it kind of diminishes the signicance of the award when the emphasis is on "youngest", "oldest", "African-American", etc. Who gives a crap?! It is the Oscars! Isn't that enough?

I think the words Jamie Foxx had to say about his grandmother were much more memorable and I thought he was very composed. I can't really feel harshly toward him because I can't imagine being able to say anything that makes any sense at all in his position. But I do see your point.
on Mar 01, 2005

I think the words Jamie Foxx had to say about his grandmother were much more memorable

Yes, the words he said about his grandmother were VERY touching; on that we agree. But I couldn't help but note an ironic twist there as well, when he spoke of his grandmother spanking him. Such an admission in this day and age by a minor would prompt an immediate removal of the children from the home and a full scale investigation.

on Mar 01, 2005

I believe Denzel Washington was the first Afrian-American to win a Best Actor gong.

Actually, sadly, the media hoopla around Denzel's win left most with that impression. The first black American to win best actor was, in fact, Sidney Poitier, for "Lilies of the Field". Denzel was the first black actor SINCE Poitier to win "best actor".

And I won't take ANYTHING away from Morgan Freeman's win. Freeman is one of Hollywood's most outstanding actors, in my opinion, and he fully deserved it.