The journey from there to here
Published on January 12, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

In an earlier article, I delineated the difference between feminism and female supremacists. For the record, I STRONGLY support feminists, but i do NOT in any way support female supremacists, who have hijacked the concept of feminism from its original intent. Here are key differences between the two:

  • Both claim to support a woman's "Right to Choose", but the feminist supports the woman's right to choose life even when the consequences of such a choice might inconvenience her; and to choose abstinence. The female supremacist insists that the right to choose include public sponsorship of abortion through subsidized payments and promotion of clinics that strongly downplay adoption and abstinence.
  • The feminist takes pride in her body and her person and realizes that her equality hinges on NOT pointing out the sexual differences between her and en in the workplace; the female supremacist will not only note these differences, but will often exploit them to their own advantage, up to and including using sex as a tool for career advancement
  • The feminist sees herself as an equal to men, and relationships as a mutual partnership. The female supremacist sees herself as the superior, and as the head of their relationship.
  • The feminist is often a strong assertive woman, while the female supremacist is usually overbearing, aggressive, and manipulative.
  • The feminist is often found in the workplace, but will also often choose to stay home with their families, and note with pride the substantial difference they are making in society. The female supremacist looks down on the stay at home mom as a harmful stereotype, and opts instead for surrogate caretakers when they choose to have children. They will often use peer pressure to attempt to proselytize friends who opt to stay at home with their children, and are militant about their position.
  • The feminist is an integral tool in building a healthy society; the female supremacist is a disease working hard to destroy society.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 16, 2006

That is one of my main beefs with feminazis. They seem to think that if you choose to stay home and make your family your main priority you are selling out or just perpetuating some stereotype they are fighting against.

I try to avoid the use of the word "feminazis" because, while the mentality exists, I believe it not to be the mentality of most career women. I feel there are many women who are true feminists, female leaders and role models that my girls can admire who DO respect ALL choices for women, even those who CHOOSE to stay at home.

I'm actually NOT a supporter of the draconian male dominated system that predominates much of traditional culture, and of our society. Not only are some men poorly equipped to lead and undeserving of automatic elevation to leadership positions, but many women have not only the ability and inclination but better ideas because they represent a perspective that has never been the political majority in our culture. I simply believe that women who DO stay at home, women who DO choose not to abort their babies in the face of trying circumstances, be given respect for their positions as well. And I don't feel that's an unreasonable request.

on Jan 16, 2006
I feel that the difference is one in perception. All feminists want to fight perceived inequalities, sexism and oppression. However, the differnce between feminists and those you label female supremacists is a matter of perception. Also, it is a difference of perception on the part of other people as to what constitutes these inequalities and sexism. And, it is a matter of perception on the individial person. For example, you wrote

"The feminist is often a strong assertive woman, while the female supremacist is usually overbearing, aggressive, and manipulative."

That is an area where there is a fine line between what people would consider strong and assertive, and b*tchy. I don't know if it is so much of a fine line, or more of a grey area. Basically, it is a matter of perception. Same with

"The feminist is an integral tool in building a healthy society; the female supremacist is a disease working hard to destroy society."

Again, some peopel have differnt opinions on what constitutes the destruction and betterment of society. Just look at the same-sex marriage debate.
on Jan 16, 2006
Again, some peopel have differnt opinions on what constitutes the destruction and betterment of society. Just look at the same-sex marriage debate.

When someone tells my wife, or even implies, that she is NOT GOOD ENOUGH; that her choice is somehow less noble and less worthy, than that of women who choose the workplace as a primary or equal obligation to their role as mothers, then that DEFINITELY helps to destroy society.

If you stand by the message that a woman has a right to chooce the direction for her life, then those choices should INCLUDE staying at home in a "traditional" role; denying women those choices is as appalling and oppressive as the system these women claim to hate.
on Jan 16, 2006
I try to avoid the use of the word "feminazis" because, while the mentality exists, I believe it not to be the mentality of most career women.

Gid, that's because most career women are feminists not feminazis/female supremists.
You say female supremist, I say feminazi.
on Jan 17, 2006
Gid, that's because most career women are feminists not feminazis/female supremists.

That sentence stated exactly what I was trying to state in this article by differentiating between the two. Thanks.
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