I have seen right wingers called sheep by the left.
I have two words for them: Harriet Myers.
See, right wingers tend to analyze and investigate the facts, not just rely on headlines or sound bites to gather their information. And, rightly or wrongly, they make their decisions based on the results of their analysis. Harriet Myers is just such a case in point.
For those of you who have been in a coma or camped out in Crawford Texas with Cindy Sheehan eating Iraqi meals, Harriet Myers was Bush's first choice for the open Supreme Court seat that Sandra Day O'Conner has been vacating. And the most vocal opposition to Myers came not from the left, but from the right. Ann Coulter wrote probably the most scathing diatribe of Myers, noting that she was not even qualified to play a Supreme Court judge on "The West Wing".
And the Myers case is not the only case in point. From wiretapping to Scooter Libby, I have heard much excellent right wing analysis that has called Bush to task for his actions. In fact, while they defend our continued presence as necessary, many among Bush's own party have begun to suggest that the initiation of the war in Iraq was possibly well advised.
The left, however, are another story. Virtually all of their talking points are regurgitated bile from some liberal think tank. They don't HAVE to speak; Al Franken can do it for him. And yet, noone seems to notice that when Howard Dean or Al Franken bash the government as being run by rich white males, they are themselves rich white males making the pronouncement. Or that when George Soros or John Kerry bash the rich, that neither has known for a single day of their lives what it was like to be uncertain about whether there would be food on the table the next day. Nor has either renounced their wealth (OK, in John Kerry's case, it's the wife's...but, I think you get my point) to give to the government to decrease the debt or to reduce poverty. They have instead engaged in shameful political manipulation of the poor among us, who follow them like sheep.
One of the individuals in our town who has been hardest hit by the social programs put in place largely by Democrats (he hasn't seen his children outside a room with a two way mirror for nearly two years), still refuses to vote for any other than a Democrat because many years ago, his daddy told him "if you always want food on your table, always vote Democrat". He has followed the tunes of the pied pipers of the left all the way into the cave. And he will probably never know what it's like to live as a free man.