I am incensed at the left. While I am no closer to joining the GOP than I am the DNC, it is the left that has infuriated me by manipulating the poor for their support base while at the same time advocating for the extermination against many of the minorities disproportionately represented among the poor.
One such area is in the area of "population control". Almost every dedicated leftist is an advocate of "population control" because it sounds like compassion for the planet, when in fact, it is nothing more than a euphemism for eugenics, which most of us conclusively decided was wrong about 60 years ago.
You see, when you think about population control, you must think about HOW we would achieve it. Well, naturally, we'd need to slow the birth rate through abortion and/or sterilization. Because the latter is so overtly totalitarian, we often opt for the former. But we don't think of what this is doing.
To the advocate of population control, the obvious targets for abortion are those who are less able to fill workforce needs in society. This means anyone born with a birth defect who would questionably bring more cost than benefit. It is a moralistic stance that is governed by the bottom line, not by any moral reasoning. One example of this atrocity is the March of Dimes. In their campaigns, they claim their goal is to "reduce birth defects". And they do. By identifying birth defects in utero, correcting those they can correct and aborting those they can't.
But it goes further. Our inner cities, which are disproportionately represented by minorities, have more planned parenthood clinics than free health clinics. And despite their statements to the contrary, PP's MISSION is to abort unwanted babies. It's just not very good publicity to SAY so.
At the other end of the scale, we have euthanasia. We refer to it as "mercy killing", when that very phrase is questionable. Again, the very old are poor candidates to contribute to society, and an extensive program for population control would target them. And again, the targets would be disproportionately poor.
So, the next time you hear someone spek of "population control", hold your baby a little tighter. After all, if your child isn't of sound genetic stock, it could be their next target.