In all the flap about San Francisco, everyone seems to be missing a rather key point.
See, San Franciscans have pulled the "Free Speech" hot button to trot flaming gays out in clothing that belongs in the bedroom, not on Main Street, and everytime they want to denigrate anyone more Conservative than they are (which turns out to be, well, 99% of the rest of the country). Suddenly, free speech is NOT OK for military recruiters who believe in the military and want to enlist soldiers for the cause.
While the left hammers on Bill O'Reilly for a comment that's taken out of context and that, while probably out of line, was said in the heat of the moment in anger over what San Francisco did in banning military recruiters from the schools, they miss the larger points of his comments. He also stated that this is not about Iraq, this is not about Afghanistan, the military simply goes where it is ordered (I am paraphrasing). This was, as he points out, a FULL FRONTAL assault on our soldiers by the same leftists who decree (from the other side of their mouth) that they "support our troops". As one blogger sits anxiously awaiting the word that her recently returned husband may be deployed again after a far too short respite, San Franciscans are doing all they can to obstruct recruiters from recruiting young soldiers that would give her and every other military family a break that is MORE THAN deserved.
Now, I am not arguing that the war in Iraq is about defending our rights to free speech. While the argument can be (and has been) made, it's not one with which I feel comfortable. But the military is about MORE than just Iraq, MORE than just Afghanistan. The military must be ready to protect and defend the nation, meaning that if some currently unseen or unsuspected enemy attempts to attack us, we must be ready. We can't be ready unless we have the troops to be ready.
One blogger said that this was about the NCLB requirements to give information of high school students to military recruiters without the permission of the parents. Nothing could be further from the truth, because the SAME NCLB requirement allows the parents to OPT OUT of allowing their children's name to be released. If the San Francisco movement was geared towards defending the right of parents to protect their children from the horrors of war, they would embark on a massive education campaign instructing parents how to ensure they have the proper paperwork on file.
San Francisco's intitiatives are about one thing: advancing their leftist agenda to destroy the morale of our troops and to systematically remove rights from American citizens, rights that have been defended at the cost of the lives of the very people they denigrate in their actions. San Francisco, frankly, should be ashamed of itself.
If an earthquake DOES level the city of San Francisco, if a terrorist DOES attack the Coit tower, the United States government should not respond. San Francisco hung out a "no trespassing" sign for the federal government on November 8, and I don't consider it to be cruel or inhuman for us to honor that sign.