When it comes to abortion, I support a woman's right to choose.
But I also support my own right to call at least 90% of abortions performed in America selfish, cruel, murderous acts (free speech 'n all that). And this is where I really get into it with "abortion rights" advocates.
You see, when you press MANY of them (NOT all, by a longshot), you will find that their agenda goes further than a right to choose. They support "abortion on demand"; a frightening term, to say the least. For while it is called "abortion on demand", it does not say "on demand BY WHOM. Planned Parenthood's own founder, Margaret Sanger, advocated for a "zero population growth" policy and mandatory government policies such as those in place in China that limit every family to one child. But she advocated going a step further and aborting the excess. And so, to her, "abortion on demand" meant "on demand by the government" (can you imagine the outcry by liberals if their own champion's policies were implemented and the projects "cleansed" by mandatory abortion for welfare mothers?). Critics dubbed Sanger a eugenist for many of her policies, but that's a charge I won't substantiate without further, solid proof (though it DOES bear investigation).
But I digress.
I see abortion as a moral wrong. I will always see it as such. Whether it is the "lesser of two evils" in certain cases, I cannot decide, but I have very low levels of respect for a woman who would regard the child growing inside her as a "lump of cells" and even (and yes, people have said this, on this very site, no less), a "cancer". And furthermore, I will not support legislation that appropriates tax dollars to abortion for that very reason.
If abortion rights advocates want abortions to be paid for, let THEM pay for it. Let them hold bake sales, telethons, what have you, to raise the funds to pay for abortion. With the exception of the March of Dimes and Planned Parenthood, very few private charities have been successful in convincing their donors to underwrite abortion. And they know this. And this is why they appeal to the federal government for financial support.
So, as the hearings for Supreme Court Chief Justice nominee John Roberts are underway, let us remember that Roe vs. Wade was NOT a mandate for federally funded abortions. It was, rather, a legal mandate for a woman's right to choose. And as such, I for one, support it, if not the many political movements that claim it as inspiration.