To begin with, I need to apologize for the fact that I will be unable to copy/paste references for this article due to problems either with the library computer I am using or JU's database; I'm really not sure which. But the source material for much of what I am stating in this article can be found in my previous article "Training Families" and the Leftist Agenda.
There is a push, spearheaded by Senator Hillary Clinton (Please remember, this is a woman often toted as the 2008 Democrat frontrunner, and these are primary reasons why you should NOT vote for her) to mandate home visits for all new families. It's not exclusive to her vision; however, the source article refers to an initiative empanelled by George H.W. Bush in 1991 that would provide for "universal voluntary" home visits ("universal" and "voluntary", for the record, are two mutually exclusive terms).
One of the problems I have with this, aside from the obvious fact that it would effectively plunge the US Government into bankruptcy by severely increasing the need for social workers as well as the resultant cost, is that there is quite clearly an assumption of guilt on the part of every American that chooses to have a child. A social worker, who is hardly an objective worker, and rarely well trained (and will be even less trained as the demand rises for more and more workers), would be able to subject every family to scrutiny as to their religious and lifestyle choices, their housing choices, their values and morals, and even their reading selection. I highly doubt that a family with "The Turner Diaries" or anything by George Lincoln Rockwell would NOT be subject to additional scrutiny.
In the world envisioned by these "visionaries", it will be virtually impossible for a family to live unmolested by governmental interference without retaining an attorney. A family lawyer will quickly become as ubiquitous as auto and health insurance are for many of us, and the end result would be a de facto ban on poor families having and retaining their children.
Sure, opponents will argue that these arguments are the rantings of an extremist. But, I must point out, the world I am describing has been advanced and put forth by a sitting member of the US Senate; the person that many pundits believe will be the DNC's next candidate for president. It is up to us as Americans to know what this woman is about and precisely why she should NEVER be allowed at the helm of this great nation.