The journey from there to here

I have been thinking a lot about the food stamp program lately. It is becoming more and more apparent to me that food stamps are a program that the federal government can, and should eliminate.

Now of course, a lot of people will be asking "what about the starving in the US?" Their question, while sincere, is ignorant of the facts. The simple truth is, there is no reason for ANYONE in this country to starve. None.

Why do I make such a sweeping statement? Simple. Because private charities in the United States have done their job. There are food banks in all but the smallest communities, and while there are people to consider within those communities, they generally have a means of travelling to larger communities, or else they wouldn't live in those smaller communities in the first place. Communities too small to house a food bank are also unlikely to have a welfare office anyway.

The truth is, in my experience and that of many others I know, most food stamp money isn't used for food, but is "fenced" for drugs, cigarettes and alcohol despite well intentioned efforts to end such abuse. The same families that receive $500-600 a month in food stamps can also be seen at every local food bank  getting their weekly or monthly allotment of handouts. The food stamp money is a negotiable commodity for them, plain and simple.

What liberal in this country fail to recognize is the simple truth that private charities have been shown to work. Second Harvest and other similar minded organizations have done an unparallelled job of reclaiming our waste and ensuring that surplus food finds its way into the mouths of those who so desperately needed instead of the old system of being trucked to the local landfill.

Sure, I think there should be some sort of voucher availability for certain items that are hard to obtain at a food bank, such as milk, eggs, flour, oil, and similar products. But even a voucher system should be privately administered so that it can be customized to the individual needs of the families. There's simply no excuse for the waste that is the USDA food stamp program.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jun 03, 2005

The food stamp program WAS established to help my son, and others like him. Unless you prove to me otherwise, and I do think your "proof" would be dubious at best.

WRONG dabe! The food stamp program was established as part of the "farm subsidy" program. It was meant to help "farmers" not your son. It helping him is just a very good side effect. As far as proof goes, please do your own research.
on Jun 03, 2005

I hate to sound insensitive, but I just don't buy the "social phobia" argument. As a sufferer of social phobia, I make do in public because I HAVE to; not because I WANT to. It's painful. It sucks. But I do what I have to do. In fact, I could probably argue my way into disability easier than some because of my dad's dealing with social phobia; he IS on disability, and it would be pretty simple for me to go down that road as well, simply by using doctors who are familiar with his case.

I feel for others who have social phobias, but the fact is, there is nothing wrong with expecting them to put out some effort to make a living. I don't feel that anyone owes me a living, nor do I owe them a living. Sometimes, as the saying goes, a man has to do what a man has to do. While you may be willing to pay taxes for welfare, other people are not. And it's wrong to force them to do so simply because it's YOUR ethical standard.


on Jun 04, 2005
Another thing i have noticed is that todays generation is geared into wastefulness..."use once and throw away",there are hardly any products out there that moms generation,and some other younger ones...know how to stretch things...and make them last for months on end...
on Jun 04, 2005
::::Wondering where his reply to Dabe ended up::::::
on Jun 04, 2005
WRONG dabe! The food stamp program was established as part of the "farm subsidy" program. It was meant to help "farmers" not your son. It helping him is just a very good side effect.

Whatever, and EXACTLY.

He needs the help right now, and would suffer were it not for food stamps. And, all you generalizing nonsensical know-nots, my son lives in a different city than I do. I send him money routinely, to help him subsist, as the help he gets from the government is hardly a subsistence living.

If you so cavalierly yank the food stamp program, you'd cause a lot of starving people, looking to choose between housing, medicine and/or food. But, then again, like whipsy stated, let them all starve. Cavalier and heartless and totally dumb.
on Jun 04, 2005
And dabe, I don't know why your relationship with your son would prevent you from feeding him, why its so "complicated" that you both find it preferable for him to be bellied up to the public trough rather than accept your help, but I can guess.....

Oh sure, you guess all you want. You are such a self-righteous loser. If you contend that cheap ol' wienies, which are junk food, is an adequate diet, then no wonder you're so brain damaged. You probably get angry when people spend food stamps on...... oh no....... expensive vegetables. They should stick to cheap ol' wienies and white bread, high in sodium, high in fat, high in nitrates, low in nutrition. And, I've got news for you..... you are not the end all/be all society cop. You're just a ....... oh, never mind.
on Jun 04, 2005
I hate to sound insensitive, but I just don't buy the "social phobia" argument. As a sufferer of social phobia, I make do in public because I HAVE to; not because I WANT to.

Gid, I understand this. I agree that he needs to just overcome this, but so far, he hasn't. One of the reasons he does not live with me is because he really wants to be independent and wants to maintain his autonomy. I completely support him in this, and hope, like hope itself that he'll overcom his fears. If that means that he needs food stamps for a while, and he's only been getting them for about one year, then so be it. This is exactly what food stamps should do. So please, stop judging so harshly. We are trying to work it out. He is trying to work it out.

As for whipsy's demeaning and totaly bullshit garbage, oh...... never mind.
on Jun 04, 2005
Another thing i have noticed is that todays generation is geared into wastefulness..."use once and throw away",there are hardly any products out there that moms generation,and some other younger ones...know how to stretch things...and make them last for months on end...

You're not kidding. One of the things I really hate is packaging. We're seeing all this extravagant and expensive packaging. Cheese and crackers are so ridiculous, they should be illegal. (But then, you libertarians would cry foul about that too. But that's another issue.) It's what sells products, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the food inside. Just causes everything to cost more. I hate packaging, and will buy loose, bulk products whenever possible. If something is overpackaged, I'm pretty much convinced it's garbage, anyway.

As for throw-away, look at all the disposable crap out there, from toilet bowl cleaners to dish rags, diapers, etc. What a waste. We are definitely the most wasteful country on this planet. There ought to be a law.
on Jun 04, 2005
While you may be willing to pay taxes for welfare, other people are not. And it's wrong to force them to do so simply because it's YOUR ethical standard.

That's exactly how I feel about the war in Iraq, and the failed abstinence only education, and a bunch of other things our government spends money on. But, the government doesn't give us these choices. So, we all pay into everything.
on Jun 04, 2005
Maybe your wacked out son is the way he is because mommy never let him have a nasty old hot dog as a child?

on Jun 04, 2005
Hey Gid, please delete the multiples. As much as I'd like them to remain, I'm sure you'd rather not. As a matter of fact, I sure wouldn't mind you removing that hateful lowlife scumbag post from whipsy, the society and ju copsky.
on Jun 04, 2005

(But then, you libertarians would cry foul about that too. But that's another issue.)

Of course we would. People have a right to eat junk (hehe)

on Jun 04, 2005
As a rule, I don't delete responses. But, since we ALL have a problem with multiple posts, I will assume that multiples weren't intended and delete all but one. After all, if someone comes up with a clever retort further along, we DO want to know what they're responding to, right? (lol)
on Jun 04, 2005

Each half-cup serving of dry beans provides six to seven grams of protein, meets at least 10% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein, yet costs about 20 cents per serving.

Less in bulk. I pay about 50 cents a pound (or less) for pinto beans. 4 servings to a pound, that's 12.5 cents a serving. Served over cornbread and the whole family eats for about $2. make it whole grain bread from the day old bread store (85 cents a loaf; about half a loaf to go with the beans for our family), and it's a buck total for the main course

on Jun 04, 2005

#37 by dabe
Saturday, June 04, 2005

WRONG dabe! The food stamp program was established as part of the "farm subsidy" program. It was meant to help "farmers" not your son. It helping him is just a very good side effect.

Whatever, and EXACTLY.

He needs the help right now, and would suffer were it not for food stamps. And, all you generalizing nonsensical know-nots, my son lives in a different city than I do. I send him money routinely, to help him subsist, as the help he gets from the government is hardly a subsistence living.

If you so cavalierly yank the food stamp program, you'd cause a lot of starving people, looking to choose between housing, medicine and/or food. But, then again, like whipsy stated, let them all starve. Cavalier and heartless and totally dumb.

Oh, I see how it is. Because the truth does not support you precarious position, it's "whatever".
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