Fresh off the "what gender is your brain?" thread.
I hate metrosexuals. I hate the whole concept.
I believe that, unless one is in a retro '80's, "hair band" or is wearing for stage purposes, makeup should not be applied to any part of a straight man's body. The same goes for hairspray, got it(ok, ok, punkers and goths can get special dispensation on this one, allright?). I want to be able to look at a person and have some idea if they are male or female, and, when gender is determined, whether they are straight or gay.
The problem with the metrosexual mentality is that it treats masculinity as something to be overcome; as a disease that must be cured by the "queer eye" crowd. An entire subculture of beer guzzling pooly playing MEN is being replaced by a bunch of wine cooler sipping pansies playing BRIDGE! And I, for one, think enough is enough, as I watch a football culture being replaced by white short wearing men with sweaters tied about their necks, yelling "Tennis anyone?" in their best lisp.
The American redneck is fast becoming an endangered species. I am hereby dedicating myself to the preservation of this magnificent creature, and am hoping each and every one of you will do the same. Otherwise, straight men of the future may well find themselves sitting at a bar grabbing the ass of a guy they REALLY THOUGHT was a girl. And the sad part is, the guy will be upset because he's straight.
If you are gay, hey, more power to you. Be flaming, enjoy yourselves. But please, men, if you are straight...STEP AWAY FROM THE CLINIQUE and give some attention to those freeweights rusting in your garage. The rest of us men will appreciate it.