Everybody has a root canal phrase. The one that just causes you to cringe in disgust, and causes a flash of intense agony up your spine and through your jaw.
Mine is any attachment of the word "humble" to "opinion". The phrase "humble opinion" is oxymoronic, because true humility revolves around deflating your own ego and keeping your tongue in cheek.
Bill O'Reilly sets me off when he refers to himself as "your HUMBLE correspondent". The acronym "IMHO" is a more common offense, but I often check myself because, after all, most acronyms are used in place of serious thought, and the person who uses them probably just used them to clarify in text what the subtle nuances of face to face communication are usually meant to convey.
Along those lines, let me tell you: there is NOTHING humble about my opinion. My opinion is born on a bed of brashness and raised on a diet of conceit and arrogance. It is, if anything, the antithesis of humility.
But it is mine. And, other than my mistakes, it is the only thing I can truly call my own.