Disclaimer: While I could easily write a piece on the Republican betrayal of their constituency as well, I have never been an adherent of the GOP platform. Therefore, I don't have firsthand knowledge. So those who will claim this as a partisan attack would do well to keep that in mind.
I was born in 1970, and raised by the liberal of liberals. I have seen and studied much of the 1960's, and what readily comes to mind is the image of young college students campaigning for the Democrats under the belief that the Dems would be supportive of their lifestyle and of the causes they held dear. In fact, to this very day, Democrats are active at hemp festivals and alternative energy fairs. But a close look at the voting record of many Democrats clearly shows that their commitment to the causes they espoused during their campaigns to these groups were left behind upon their entrance to the capital building in DC. Following are examples I can readily cite:
- Death Penalty: few senators of either persuasion have worked hard for the elimination of the death penalty. This is especially relevant for the Dems, however, as some of their highest profile supporters include Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins, both very outspoken anti-death penalty advocates
- Gay Marriage: I cannot even BEGIN to comprehend why gay and lesbian lobbies throw their support consistently behind Dems. The Republicans, to their credit, are at least honest about their intentions to prohibit gay marriage
- Legalization of Industrial Hemp: This is separated from the marijuana issue because it is, put simply, a separate issue. The Democratic Party has not made significant strides to legalizing industrial hemp
- Legalization/decriminalization of Marijuana and other "soft" drugs: The Dems have gone to great lengths to court groups such as NORML, while a look at their platform, as well as the voting records of their candidates, has shown them to be anything but supportive of this issue
- Personal Liberties: The Dems are labelled "liberals" by much of the media, but their stances on individual liberties has shown them to be anything but. They have worked to actively suppress freedom of religion, as well as the right to keep and bear arms, and their platform and many of their leaders (Hillary and Bill as examples) support the "UN Convention on the Rights of the Child", which effectively eliminates parental rights completely. As well, "Goals 2000" (the initial model for national education standards) predated NCLB by many years, and was authored by Bill Clinton when he was governor of Arkansas.
- Race reform: Democrats have consistently supported entitlement programs and quota systems that serve not as INCENTIVE, but rather as disincentive, for minority achievement in this country.
I could continue on with many other examples, but the point is clear: The Democrats have repeatedly and consistently betrayed their constituency, and the continued support by "liberals" of this highly hypocritical party is beyond my comprehension