The journey from there to here
Published on February 9, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

One of the endless stream of contradictions streaming from the left is the concept of mandatory child support. It's enforced, and usually the money is directly debited from the nuncustodial father's paycheck. This leads, in effect, to many fathers taking under the table work or skipping between jobs before a court order can be obtained to garnish their current wages.

But most importantly, when it is taken against the will of the noncustodial father, it represents a glaring contradiction. Because court rulings have consistently ruled that a fetus is a part of the mother's body, and represents a "choice", the mother's "choice" should come with willingness to absorb the entire cost of raising the child to adulthood. The mandatory child support laws give her a gun to hold to her ex husband or boyfriend's head for the next 18 or so years.

It would be entirely different if the father had a say in whether or not the mother was to have an abortion. Then HE should foot the bill if he chose to keep the baby. But because the choice to keep or abort belongs entirely to the mother, so do the consequences of her decision.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Feb 11, 2005
Gideon, I see and agree with your point. However, having said that, men ought to start realizing that they cannot and should not take the woman's word for it when she says she's using contraception.

Yes, I agree with that as well. What really gets my gall about the whole thing, though is (and I've known only two people who have done this) that a woman can, in a fit of anger at her husband, have a child aborted that they had planned for and prepared for but that she, for whatever reason, suddenly doesn't want to have...and the husband has no recourse. And yet, when a child is born that the father clearly didn't want, and the mother had to keep the father on the hook for child support (again, this isn't a trend, but it DOES happen...I've known of a few cases of this, but ONLY a few), then the father better pay up.

Either the fetus is the woman's body or it isn't. This double standard is something we need to eliminate.
on Feb 11, 2005
I can see both sides of this discussion and I wish I had the wisdom to solve the problem. I can only tell you from my own personal experience. I came very close to having an abortion. The father even paid half. Since I didn't go through with it and I was able to support my son, I didn't feel that it was fair to have the father pay child support. My son and I have no contact with his father since my son turned two (the father's choice although there were no hard feelings). My son is almost 19 now and I have never asked nor received a dime in child support. And yes if his father came to me today and ask for a relationship with my son, I would not stand in their way because it's absolutely not about me. So based on my life experience, I can almost agree with you, except...

I always thought child support was on the behalf of the child (perhaps I am naive but most likely ignorant) so with that in mind I would probably err on the side of the child...who didn't have a choice either. It really sickens me when people abuse child support (men and women alike) but that doesn't mean that it's not viable...maybe that support keeps the family off of welfare. Anyway as adults we need to be responsible for our mistakes and accept the consequences. Sometimes the consequences are expensive, sometimes they are unfair, and sometimes both.

BTW my mistake became the best thing that ever happened to me and I would go through it all over again. Love ya Sweet Pea!
on Feb 11, 2005
Either the fetus is the woman's body or it isn't. This double standard is something we need to eliminate.

Absolutely. Women have been using their unborn babies as bargaining chips for far too long. That's an awful thing to say, I know, but it happens.
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