The journey from there to here
I am furious. No, I am beyond furious at the ridiculous insistence that I renounce my Libertarian party affiliation in favor of the Democratic or Republican party on the basis of someone's opinion that I am "wasting my vote".

The "wasting your vote" lie is one that has been perpetuated to keep the major parties in play. It is a lie that serves the two major parties, and often works as a disincentive for informed voters who truly want to find a candidate aligned with their issues.

When I walk into the voting booth on November 2 and vote for the ticket of Michael Badnarik and Richard Campagna, I am not wasting my vote, but exercising my rights as a citizen of the United States to vote for a candidate of my choosing. The perceived political viability of the candidate is not a reasonable rationale to change my vote, especially when, as I stated on another thread, forcing me to choose between the Democratic and Republican candidates would be like forcing me to choose to eat either moose shit or elk shit. Sorry, but I don't want either one.

How many voters are hoodwinked into the "lesser of two evils" mindset rather than voting for a candidate who truly represents them and their beliefs? How many leftist or rightist bullies have played into their hands by mocking people who openly support a third party candidate?

Here's MY stance, MY say: I believe in the Libertarian party and the platform of Michael Badnarik and Richard Campagna. I stand unapologetically behind that platform. To state otherwise would be a lie. And I, for one, will not lie for political expediency.

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish

Comments (Page 4)
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on Sep 10, 2004
The Libertarian Party has a number of candidates (600, according to the party site) in public office at various levels, and runs candidates at every level of government.

600 Isn't a lot considering we have nearly 1/2 a million elected officials in this country.

Like I said, I don't know about other states but it seems in Illinois Libertarians are running for US Congress but there is hardly any if any at all running for State Rep or State Senator. I think I heard of one or two running, but that's about it. Those lower officies are much more within the grasp of a 3rd party candidate than the gerrymandered US Congress districts occupied by political heavyweights.
on Sep 10, 2004
600 Isn't a lot considering we have nearly 1/2 a million elected officials in this country.

Oh, so the office holders don't count because there aren't as many of them as YOU deem necessary?

You said they didn't work at the grassroots level, I said they did...and gave numbers, but they weren't enough for you....yeesh.

Like I said, I don't know about other states but it seems in Illinois Libertarians are running for US Congress but there is hardly any if any at all running for State Rep or State Senator. I think I heard of one or two running, but that's about it. Those lower officies are much more within the grasp of a 3rd party candidate than the gerrymandered US Congress districts occupied by political heavyweights.

There's common sense strategy at work here, though...the national party needs to work on the local office where it has more support. Need I remind you that Illinois is one state out of 50? In Nevada, they're running at all levels (Badnarik is consistently polling about 3% here); in Montana and Wyoming, they're running at all levels; in New Hampshire, they're running at all levels. Those are among the states where Libertarians have significant support. It is entirely possible they aren't running for some of the offices you're examining because they don't have a solid candidate for those races and don't wish to throw bad money after good.

on Sep 10, 2004
Hmm...a search actually shows 30 Libertarians in public office in Illinois (I will list them at the end of this response). Sure, they're not state senators, but doesn't "grassroots" mean building support from the BOTTOM up? Personally, I think you're being hypercritical of the Libertarian party because of your bias against them. You don't feel that 600 (actually, 581) is "enough" officeholders, yet you don't actively lend your support to them. My contention is that, as support builds, the party will grow (for the record, the Libertarians, with 581 public officeholders, are the third largest party after the Democrats and Republicans).

Here, for the record, is the list of Illinois Libertarians in public office:

(view state page)

Bernard Boona
Cary Area Public Library Board of Trustees

Greg Cryns
Richmond Library Board of Trustees

Cynthia Down
Brighton Police Committee

Harold Forbes
Melvin Village Trustee

Julie Fox
Dundee Township Library Board

Jeffrey Glaser
Batavia School Board

Chandler Hadraba
Milton Township Precinct Committeeman

Austin Hough
Fountaindale Public Library Board of Bolingbrook and Romeoville

Robert E. Johnson
York Township Precinct Committeeman
Kenneth A. Johnson
Downers Grove Township Precinct Committeeman
Douglas Kelley
Rock Valley College Board

Kathy Kelley
Rock Valley Community College Trustee

David Kelley
Rockford School Board

Jerry Kohn
Acorn Public Library Board

Ralph Lotz
Downers Grove Township Precinct Committeeman
Lani MacArtney
York Township Precinct Committeeman
Ronald MacArtney
Downers Grove Township Precinct Committeeman
Michael Mandel
Lisle Township Precinct Committeeman
Donald M. ParrishJr.
Downers Grove Township Precinct Committeeman
Web Site

Bill Passmore
Local School Council Community Representative, Chicago Public Schools

Rhys Read
Des Plaines Public Library Board Trustee

Alma Read
Cook County School Board

Charles Romer
York Twp. Precinct Committeeman
Ted Semon
Bloomingdale Township Precinct Committeeman
Chuck Sila
Normal Regional Library Association

John Tepley
York Township Precinct Committeeman

John Teschky
York Township Precinct Committeeman
Jeff Trigg
State Elections Commission

Paul Young
Milton Township Precinct Committeeman

Todd W. Zimmerman
Downers Grove Township Precinct Committeeman

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