The journey from there to here
Published on August 6, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Home & Family
Well, folks...after four girls, little Quinn Donovan was born today weighing in at 6 pounds, 11 ounces and 19 inches long.

We had a few nervous early moments, as he came out quite purple and wasn't very active; they had to give him a little oxygen and suction his lungs to get him going, but he seems to be doing well, and has inherited the scowl for which his older sisters are famous.

If any of you happen to be scouts for the Seattle Mariners, you might want to give this kid a look. Sure, he's a little light right now, but we have 18 years to bulk him up and work on that slider.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 07, 2004

I finished Quinn's beanie, and I got your email.  I'll send it off on Monday morning.

Much love,


on Aug 07, 2004
Thanks, dharma
on Aug 07, 2004
Congrats Gideon.
on Aug 07, 2004
thanks abe.

A funny side note -- he was crying, and I jokingly held him in my lap and went to the Seattle Mariners website; he stopped (hehehehe).
on Aug 08, 2004
Congrats Gid:

as a father of four I think that you're nuckin' futs but it's good to have at least one other person in your household that can see the male perspective.
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