The journey from there to here
As I continue to read about Michael Moore, a serious thought has started to concern me. He has become a caricature of the American left, an annoying muppet and a one trick pony.

As he presents himself as America's savior, I am seeing a lot of people that I know viewing him more as a pied piper, and a man not to be trusted. Sure, they don't like Bush, but because Michael Moore is so closely tied with the left (and by extension, Kerry), his side is equally appalling.

As I stated once before, I don't think this move generated enough ticket sales to say that it fairly influenced more than a fringe minority who were already in Moore's camp. And I am sure the video release will be timed so that college profs can get this nice bit of propaganda to their students in time for the November election. But will it have its desired effect?

It may sway the election if someone watches the film and heads straight to the polls. But the way it is presented, it leaves people wanting to ask more questions to get to the truth. As questions are asked, the holes in Moore's argument become more readily apparent, and this could be a death knell for Kerry because of guilt by association.

I think there will be a substantial percentage of American voters swayed to various third party candidates, and believe the question is, who will be hurt worse by this? Frankly, I think Moore is potentially Bush's best ally right now as his arguments are so outrageous as to undermine their own credibility. If I were speaking to a group of undecided voters from the Republican side, I would categorically address Moore's talking points and ask the voters if Moore's "shock jock" style is really what they want.

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish

Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 23, 2004

& you said a small minority saw the film? It's the highest grossing documentary EVER! Over $150 million in the US alone. THat's a BLOCKBUSTER in the entertainment business.

Actually, I crunched the numbers on another thread. By the way, the domestic take was 118 million, so your numbers are way off. It grossed $500 more than "Big Momma's House", and $9,000 LESS than "Dumb and Dumber". That should put it nicely in perspective.

Gideo MacLeish- AN *OBVIOUS* Bush supporter.

Have you considered trying out for "Last Comic Standing"? Because THAT is the funniest thing I've seen all day.


on Sep 23, 2004
Why is the saudi embassy gaurded by Secret Service?
on Sep 23, 2004

Reply #31 By: Texas Wahine - 9/23/2004 7:57:05 PM
drmiler: you didn't use quotations!

Yeah, I got tired of all the whining.
on Sep 23, 2004
Why is the saudi embassy gaurded by Secret Service?

The President's dog is staying there, and pooping on them.

- GX
"I have no answers to your questions, but I can question your demands." - Motto Inspired by Laibach's WAT
on Sep 23, 2004
"Why is the saudi embassy gaurded by Secret Service?"

Because not all Saudis are evil, though listening to Moore and this robots you'd assume so. It is hateful and racist to say that the US shouldn't protect innocent people who are threatened... by bigoted attitudes displayed in the quote...

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