This weekend I unwittingly got a glimpse of my future, and it ain't pretty.
It started Friday morning, when I had a tightness in my right knee. My right knee is arthritic to begin with, and rain was in the forecast, so I just chalked it up to life's aches and pains.
By Saturday morning, it was clear that it was more than that. The knee had swollen somewhat, and I limped through the day with an Ace bandage wrapped joint. When I came home at night, the pain had worsened, and I could not bear much weight on the knee. I took a hot bath, which restored a little bit of flexibility, and borrowed a cane from my elderly neighbour, figuring I'd limp through as best I could.
This morning, though, that thought was out of my head as I was unable to bear ANY weight on the knee, and it was swollen to the point that it was locked in position. I called my neighbour, who gave me a ride to the ER.
The doctor drained the fluid off of the knee (which restored flexibility, but the knee was more tender once the fluid had drained away) and had it tested. The verdict? Gout. A disease usually associated with older people. I'm not older people yet, am I? I guess so.
So after a trip to WalMart to fetch pills (yeah, I used one of those powered WAY I was walking through the store in the pain I was in), I'm home and resting. I've done a fair bit of research, and the bummer is, preventing future attacks of gout will mean some fairly big lifestyle changes, but I really don't want to wake up another morning when I can't walk to the bathroom, do what you gotta.