The journey from there to here

My wages will be going down this summer.

Congress voted in a minimum wage increase, which a lot of people regard as a good thing. But by setting a bottom level wage for unskilled workers with no education, I will see my real earnings go down.

Who's there to speak for me and the millions working within that bubble above minimum wage but still below a wage that's untouched by minimum wage increases? Who's there to speak for us? Why am I in college if I can get a guaranteed pay increase by sitting on my butt doing nothing productive to help the economy?

Sure, there are a lot of folks out there cheering the minimum wage increase. But I hate to break the news, but people who make minimum wage are not economists, and they have no idea how the increase affects the larger economy. All they know is that they will see a bigger number on their paychecks, and that the check cashing place will give them one more smiling picture of Andy Jackson per week that they can spend on lottery tickets cigarettes and booze rather than gain marketable job skills.

Meanwhile, those of us actually trying to build a better life just got pulled one step back. A minimum wage increase doesn't affect the Gates family in the least, but it DOES affect those of us trying to get by on a modest income.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 27, 2007
Anyway, if you're only going to college so you can lord your bigger paycheck and life over those on the dole then I can't say I think much of that moral stance (not that I think that's your intention of course, but what you've said does sound a little suss).

THAT is what you said. Qualifiers do tend to somewhat negate the initial statement as you well know. You said that what I said sounds a little suspect. That's not a direct accusation, but it IS implied.

Of course not. But you never used to use caps at all, let alone several times in every post, and now you do it as much as drmiler.

BS, cacto. I use caps for emphasis rather than bold, always have. I could show you three year old replies that would bear this out.

The truth is, I roll my eyes and move on more often than not, cacto. I let a hell of a lot slide.

There's not a single entire sentence there in caps, cacto, only words. If you look at my writing style, this is very consistent with how I've operated...Always. I don't like to go back and highlight text for emboldened type; caps are more convenient. If you use caps as a judge of anger, that's pretty odd, don't you think?

I'll tell you what I'm getting tired of, cacto. I'm getting tired of everytime I get into a heated discussion being accused of being touchy. I am just as subject to emotion as anyone else, and your charge pissed me off, plain and simple. I don't feel I was out of line. I didn't swear excessively, didn't call you a bunch of nasty names. I defended my position.

on May 27, 2007

Cacto is doing you a kindness by bringing this up.

on May 27, 2007

So you think that money for investment and loans (like for your house or car) is conjured out of the air?

*Poof* Here's another 25 grand for a new car.

You do understand what money invested in a bank or venture capital company is used for, don't you? It's invested in loans and other companies, and so doesn't just sit there. In fact you actually have to try hard to make your money do nothing.

YOu do see how stupid your original statement was then, dont you? Rich people dont get rich by being stupid. They make their money work for them, instead of working for it. Working money is called investments.
on May 27, 2007
Abe CubbageMay 27, 2007 05:30:37Reply #17

Cacto is doing you a kindness by bringing this up.

I resent this, abe. I resent it GREATLY. Why am I not allowed to comment? Why am I supposed to let you guys attack from all sides and supposed to be a fucking pansy ass? It's bullshit.

The caps allegation was plain wrong. I use caps for emphasis regularly, and have since I started here. As for the nastiness, it's just plain BS. As for cacto, don't get in the middle of this, abe.

You see what you want to see, that's all I will say about that. If you guys think I'm over the line, you are free to submit a complaint to the admins.
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