The journey from there to here

I grew up LDS.

Through the years, my faith has become something I could most tactfully describe as NOT LDS. For reasons that are not at all relevant to this blog, except to establish the fact that if anyone had a bone to pick with the LDS church, I would.

And yet, if Mitt Romney wins the GOP nomination, my vote will probably be cast against him, but because he is a Republican, NOT because he is a "Mormon". See, Mr. Romney's religious persuasion is as irrelevant as his hair color. It is interesting trivia, but not enough in itself to qualify or disqualify a voter.

I find it highly ironic that the anti-LDS rant came out of a mouth of someone who purports to follow the dream of a man for whom content of one's character was meant to be the utmost standard of the worth of a man. Someone who has collected millions in bribe money to overlook the racial affronts of various US companies and individuals.

I would say that I have known as many Mormons over my lifetime as I have other religions. And while there are certainly bad apples in the LDS faith (as there are in all) , there are also good, decent, honorable and loving people in the LDS faith(as there are in all). The truth is that, while the spiritual values of a faith may be measurable to an ethical standard, the actual practice of that faith is not.

Oddly enough, one thing many Christian Coalition types overlook as they evaluate Mormons is that our basic values are exactly the same. While there are theological differences, the Mormons believe point by point the same as "mainstream" Christians do on most moral matters (and if you EVEN bring up the Mormon practice of polygamy which was abolished in the 1800's, I'd be happy to throw in the Salem Witch Trials, the Inquisition, and a host of other offenses by members of various "Christian" factions).

Mitt Romney should be judged by one basic standard: can he do the job? If you feel he can, his faith is immaterial. If you feel he can't, likewise.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 12, 2007
I don't think America is anywhere near ready for an atheist president. In fact, every single one of them has been some variety of Protestant Christian with JFK being the single exception

it's impossible to determine which of them were truly presidents of faith. americans are far too ready to believe stuff they wanna hear.
on May 12, 2007
i'm thinking the more germane question (for republicans anyway) might be: "who cares whether a candidate's faith matters to you if you aren't jerry falwell?'

Acerbic, but with a kernel of truth.

In the end, who has Jerry elected?

Yea, yea, we know. Bush. But are his policies synonymous with Falwell?
on May 12, 2007
Faith isn't the only criteria, but it does matter to me.

I am more likely to vote for a man who acknowledges God than one who denies Him. Actually, I probably wouldn't vote for someone who denied God. I think it takes waaaay more faith to believe in chance and big bangs than in God...hahaha.
on May 12, 2007
See, Tova, I believe VALUES matter very much. While faith is often a foundation of values, I have seen atheists who have very strong values.

And Romney's values are pretty much in line with mine. Although I probably will not vote for him, his being Mormon is immaterial.
on May 13, 2007
See, Tova, I believe VALUES matter very much. While faith is often a foundation of values, I have seen atheists who have very strong values.

Have a cookie!
on May 13, 2007
So yeah, religion does matter. It matters a lot, no matter what sort of 'it doesn't matter' PC utopia some folks on here want to present America to be.

yes, it does, LW, but it doesn't matter to me in the least.

My point was and is that, although I have strong feelings towards the LDS faith (and have GOOD reasons for such feelings), those feelings are irrelevant to the question of whether or not Romney can do the job. He and I probably have many similar values, despite a difference in faith.

Like Orrin Hatch. I actually KNOW Senator Hatch, and there are a number of scenarios where I might actually vote for him.
on May 14, 2007
In the end, who has Jerry elected?

his backing doesn't ensure election--only a place on the ballot.

until the republican party officially nominates a candidate other than one anointed and blessed by falwell and his associates, they should change the acronym from gop to pog.
on May 14, 2007
So yeah, religion does matter. It matters a lot, no matter what sort of 'it doesn't matter' PC utopia some folks on here want to present America to be.

anyone who seeking a demonstation need only watch what happens to giuliani. rudy's only choice is gonna be straighten his skirt, touch up his makeup and run as an independent.
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