The journey from there to here
Or, I can use caps, too!
Published on February 5, 2007 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics

As the debate (?) rages on about Bush and Cheney's need for impeachment, I can think of one compelling reason why it should never be allowed to happen:

President Pelosi.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 07, 2007
toothpaste for dinner

Just think how interesting that would make the election . . .
on Feb 07, 2007
You can tell we have sunk to a political low when our new standard for leaders is "Can Y be any worse than X?"

Dude, we're already there. We're too damn stupid; we reelect these blokes who know nothing of progress, or compromise. They sit on their arses (or stand on their feet), bashing the other side with their so called morals. The day that politicians truly have the words compromise and progress in their vocabulary, and know what they mean....will be heaven. So to speak.

Sick and tired of them all, to be frank.

on Feb 07, 2007
The day that politicians truly have the words compromise and progress in their vocabulary, and know what they mean....will be heaven.

uhh, actually, I think there's too MUCH compromise and that's part of the problem. Today's politicans don't STAND for anything. Polls and lobbyist kickbacks guide their votes, not personal conscience or conviction. We need politicians that are their own people and not products of political machines.

One of the reasons I like the LP so much is political autonomy. While I disagree with SConn on about 90% of his viewpoints, the fact is, there IS room for disagreement under the umbrella of Libertarianism. Does that weaken the party? Possibly. But I tend to believe it STRENGTHENS our candidates because we're free to believe what we believe without Shane Cory busting our chops because we hold a different viewpoint.
on Feb 07, 2007
Sick and tired of them all, to be frank.

YOu are barely old enough to vote, and you are sick and tired? You have a lot to learn.
on Feb 07, 2007
YOu are barely old enough to vote, and you are sick and tired? You have a lot to learn.

I've listened to politics for a while.

Oh really? Tell me then, what do i need to learn?

Is it wrong for me to get pissed that congress has done...well, has done....hmm *thinks*...little to nothing?

Why is that? Partisanship. Both the Dems, and Reps need to get their heads out of their mindless partisan arses, and do something progressive. Like, security?

Pretty much, I'm saying....

They need to do their freaking job, and help this country become better.

Have they?

uhh, actually, I think there's too MUCH compromise and that's part of the problem. Today's politicans don't STAND for anything. Polls and lobbyist kickbacks guide their votes, not personal conscience or conviction. We need politicians that are their own people and not products of political machines.

One of the reasons I like the LP so much is political autonomy. While I disagree with SConn on about 90% of his viewpoints, the fact is, there IS room for disagreement under the umbrella of Libertarianism. Does that weaken the party? Possibly. But I tend to believe it STRENGTHENS our candidates because we're free to believe what we believe without Shane Cory busting our chops because we hold a different viewpoint.


Where's the progress?

Where's the change?

Social security? Pfft.

Same sex civil unions? Pfft.

What I'm talking about, is getting something done. There is too much bickering, too much partisanship.

on Feb 07, 2007
Where's the progress?

Where's the change?

Social security? Pfft.

Same sex civil unions? Pfft.

What I'm talking about, is getting something done. There is too much bickering, too much partisanship.

Umm, last I checked, Libertarians weren't a majority party ANYWHERE, lucas.

And, actually, no, the problem is today's politicians, left AND right, are bought and sold by big business. Witness TX Governor Rick Perry's recent mandate of a vaccine manufactured by one of his major campaign supporters as a prime example.
on Feb 07, 2007
Umm, last I checked, Libertarians weren't a majority party ANYWHERE, lucas.

I wasn't referring to libertarians. My apologies, I should've clarified.

And, actually, no, the problem is today's politicians, left AND right, are bought and sold by big business. Witness TX Governor Rick Perry's recent mandate of a vaccine manufactured by one of his major campaign supporters as a prime example.

Perhaps, It certainly seems like they're being bought/swayed by someone/something.

on Feb 08, 2007
I've listened to politics for a while.

Oh really? Tell me then, what do i need to learn?

YOu need to learn to quit whining and do something if you want to change things. WHining,like you are doing now, is not going to change anything, except those who might take you seriously.

Anyone can talk about the weather. Few do anything about it.
on Feb 08, 2007
I've listened to politics for a while.

Oh really? Tell me then, what do i need to learn?

YOu need to learn to quit whining and do something if you want to change things. WHining,like you are doing now, is not going to change anything, except those who might take you seriously.

Anyone can talk about the weather. Few do anything about it.

Do you do anything? Do you "walk the walk," and talk the talk? Or is this just hot air?

Besides, I volunteered with one of the local politicians campaigns. I've helped with other things. Sadly, I don't have the time to do that anymore, it's called work, bills, and other things. If i ever have the time, i would gladly do more.

on Feb 08, 2007
Do you do anything? Do you "walk the walk," and talk the talk? Or is this just hot air?

Besides, I volunteered with one of the local politicians campaigns. I've helped with other things. Sadly, I don't have the time to do that anymore, it's called work, bills, and other things. If i ever have the time, i would gladly do more.


If it'll make y'all feel better you can both help contribute money to my 2008! I'll have to check to make sure of the rules, but I'm not gonna turn down a check from either of!
on Feb 08, 2007
Do you do anything? Do you "walk the walk," and talk the talk? Or is this just hot air?

I am not the one whining, so whether I do or do not, is beside the fact, now isnt it?
on Feb 08, 2007
If it'll make y'all feel better you can both help contribute money to my 2008! I'll have to check to make sure of the rules, but I'm not gonna turn down a check from either of!

Depends on where you stand in comparison to what i believe. Not only that, but, if i did, the amount would be little. Not like i have a lot to spare anymore.

I am not the one whining, so whether I do or do not, is beside the fact, now isnt it?

No, it is a point. If you have done, or do something, then you have the pretext to stand on your soapbox. Otherwise you don't, and you're just picking a fight.

Peace, ~L
on Feb 09, 2007
No, it is a point. If you have done, or do something, then you have the pretext to stand on your soapbox. Otherwise you don't, and you're just picking a fight.

No, I am not picking anything. I made an observation. WOuld you care to dispute it? And the observation was not a judgemental one, just a statement of fact. Care to dispute that? It is you who decided they wanted to get snicky, which is your right. But since you seem to be dancing to my tune, I will keep playing you like a broken harp.
on Feb 14, 2007
Make up your mind, lucas. First it'ss "vote them all out of office", then it's "vote for ONLY those whose views match up closest to mine!" It is PRECISELY that indecision that has failed to change American politics substantially. Until voters are willing to put their money and their votes where their mouths are, we can continue to expect politics to deteriorate.

My politics are pretty radical: I believe you're an adult and should be allowed to run your own life. That's the core of my philosophy right there. You don't need a nanny to protect you, shouldn't expect a nanny, and in my ideal world, wouldn't have one. Until/unless you infringe on the rights of others, it's none of the government's business.
on Feb 14, 2007
My politics are pretty radical: I believe you're an adult and should be allowed to run your own life.

HERETIC! BURN THE WITCH AT THE STAKE! Oh, wait, I was channeling liberals again.
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