As Dave Barry would say, I SWEAR I am not making this up. I can only hope this is a scam (and, honestly, have reason to believe it is, from the look of the sculpture, as I am WAAAAAYYYY more familiar with baby poop than I would have ever aspired to be).
The latest news on Tom "Off the Deep End" Cruise, and Katie "Brainwashed" Holmes is an attempt to sell what is purportedly a bronze casting of their progeny's first bowel movement. As I said before, I have reason to doubt the authenticity of the feces, for reasons I will not go into here (read my previous, unfinished article...poo is not cute. Ever). Even if this were an authentic casting of said stool, the marketing of celebrity fecal matter is sick. Really sick. Not as disturbing as anyone who would BUY such crap (literally), mind you, but still pretty sick.
The "Weekly World News" is going to have a hard time concocting good tabloid stories as the real stories just get weirder and weirder.