The journey from there to here
Published on May 22, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc

Well, I finally was able to have a friend email me some pics of the kids taken at the Easter Egg Hunt. I can't upload photos on the library computer, so this was the only way I could get photos to share. Here's one for all of you (hope it comes out OK):


Comments (Page 2)
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on May 22, 2006

Those are some beautiful kids!

When are we going to see a pic of you, Gid?

on May 22, 2006
When are we going to see a pic of you, Gid?

Whenever I can get one uploaded somehow (remember, library computer!)

My next cell phone will be a camera phone. I'm hoping I can take some shots and email them to myself and get them out that way.
on May 22, 2006

Whenever I can get one uploaded somehow (remember, library computer!)

Looks great Gideon!  Got me beat as I stopped at 4.

on May 22, 2006
Hey! They all part their hair on the exact same side...what's up with that? hahahaha.

Cute kids, Gid!
on May 22, 2006

It is kinda odd, considering Tobie (the second from the left) is a southpaw!
on May 22, 2006
That baby's face is tooooo sweet.
on May 22, 2006
I can see em now.... sweet family gid, they must have taken after there mom in looks, the reason I can tell thata is, none of the children look like a baboon! heh heh heh
on May 22, 2006
What cuties! Your littlest girl to the left looks a lot like my niece. Your little guy looks like the sweet yet mischievous type. Thanks for sharing!
on May 22, 2006

I can see em now.... sweet family gid, they must have taken after there mom in looks, the reason I can tell thata is, none of the children look like a baboon! heh heh heh

Even if Gideon is a handsome man, and we would have to ask the ladies for that opinion as I dont rate men, but the girls are so cute they must take after his wife, their mother!

on May 22, 2006
"i want to buy your much for your women... the little girl "-Jake Blues. ;~D

Adoreable kids, Gid! Thar be some cute genes in the MacLeish pool. ;~D
on May 22, 2006
They're really gorgeous kids Gid, you must be very proud Thanks for sharing this!!
on May 22, 2006
Absolutely adorable kids. And they sure look happy to be out in the Texas sun.
on May 27, 2006
Beautiful kids! Thanks for sharing.
on May 27, 2006
I love this picture.
It is perfect. They are all so sweet.

Thanks for sharing them.
on May 27, 2006
normally i hate the kinda hokey political commercials, ads, appearances, etc. involving candidates' kids (while i'm sure one or more occasionally goes off-message while live on stage, i coulda easily been the posterkid for no impulse control at the time i hadda chance to offer the public a more intimate view of my father when he wasn't making speeches, i went along with the program).

after seein this pic, my first thought was it would be damn near impossible to compete with them lil girls sayin something like 'vore for our daddy so's he can bring a lot more justice into your world too'.
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