As the debate goes further on reparations for African Americans for years spent in slavery (despite the fact that no African American living has lived under LEGAL slavery in America), it is important to note why the reparations movement should NEVER be successful. Pro and con arguments can be advanced, but the simple fact is, reparations as proposed are unConstitutional.
You see, our Constitution specifically prohibits the introduction of ex pos facto laws. That is, you cannot impose a penalty on someone for a crime that was legal at the time of its commission. And while there is no question in my mind or that of most Americans that slavery was evil and morally reprehensible, it was, technically legal until the ratification of the 13th amendment. And the sons of former slaveowners should not be forced to pay a debt for their ancestors' participation in a legal, though vile, institution.
Now, I have little doubt that there were a few individuals in the Reconstruction South who violated the laws, either through outright slavery or through the practice of paying their workers in scrip rather than legal tender. When and if those persons are shown to exist, their descendants should have some financial culpability for the illegal profits of their ancestors during that time period. And there are certainly several businesses and individuals who stand morally, if not legally, culpable for their actions in oppressing minorities, most notably African Americans, in this country. It would be a good show of faith for them to help right the wrongs of the past, certainly. But to require it, through law, would require an amendment to the Constitution.
And I, for one, hope that doesn't happen anytime soon.