The journey from there to here
Published on March 3, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

OK, I'm being blasted for trying to be neutral. I will concede that it is possible that the fault is truly in me, so here goes. I will take an issue on everything I can think of. If I haven't hit on your pet issue, ask me on the comments. And if I haven't offended you, READ those comments. I'll get to it.

I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He IS the Way, the truth and the life. While God is a just God and someone may go to heaven some other way, the only certainty I see is in a living, active faith in Jesus Christ that INCLUDES obedience to His teachings, to the best of our abilities. I believe unrepentant homosexuals, adulterers, fornicators, extortionists, murderers, rapists, liars, and thieves, among others are going to Hell if they don't repent and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. I believe there IS a Hell, and that it's a mighty crappy place to spend eternity.

I believe that most music is artistic, and have among my CD collection rap, country, pop, rock, classical, folk, blues, metal, hair bands, and pretty much anything except for Yanni, who I believe is probably the most painful thing you can inflict on a person outside of a life membership to the ACLU.

I believe the government should pretty much butt out of EVERYTHING except for the common defense and the general welfare. By "general welfare" I mean ONLY things that benefit the nation as a whole and not entitlements, subsidies, or other pet projects. I believe that no crime should exist unless it is a crime against another person or that person's property, and that what you do on my property is entirely within my right to regulate, but what you do once you step off that property is your own damn business.

I believe that war is wrong. Always. Without exception, and that it never should be seen as anything better than the lesser of two evils, and that it seldom IS the lesser of two evils. I believe that most war protestors are stupid, misguided megalomaniacs who are "in it" for their own self interest and not for any cause greater than themselves. I believe that conscription is wrong, and I believe that having a large standing military promotes, rather than prevents war.

I believe the death penalty is wrong. Always. Without exception, and that it never should be seen as anything better than the lesser of two evils, and that it seldom IS the lesser of two evils. I believe that most protestors against the death penalty are likewise stupid, misguided mgalomaniacs who are "in it" for their own self interests and not any cause greater than themselves. I believe that our prisons should be a horrible place for inmates convicted of crimes, and that they should be given nothing outside the bare essentials for survival for their crimes against society.

I believe abortion is wrong. Always. I believe that an intentional, planned abortion is NEVER the lesser of two evils, and that the doctors who perform them and the women who receive them are murderers and should languish away in penal colonies for the rest of their lives, and the women who have abortions should be sterilized to prevent their ever needing another one again.

I believe allowing others to live in poverty while you live in excess is wrong. Always. I believe that while the government should never force you to care for the less fortunate, it is a mortal sin to deny someone needs if it is within your ability to provide them.

I believe that we are, without exception a greedy self indulgent society, and that we are morally wrong for many of our lifestyle choices. I believe that we are duplicitous, sinful, and immoral creatures. I believe that the most people in church are there to con the church into receiving whatever they can from the church and not there for any expression of sincere faith, and that most ministers are in it for their own self interests and financial benefit as well.

But I believe in grace. And I believe I shouldn't have to tell you all that as a condition of our friendship. In short, I believe in my right to hold these views so long as I don't use them to attack, harass, or harm you and your family. And I believe a real friend wouldn't push me to state those views.

There you go, JU. You asked for it, you got it.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 03, 2006
I don't know who pushed you to take sides on any of these things but I don't think it is ever a bad thing to be open about where you stand on things. I disagree with you A LOT but I respect your beliefs.

I think the Jews might argue with you on the 'War is wrong' stance. You also know where I stand on religion so I don't need to go there. Hey, you are a consistant christian so I certainly can't fault you there.

I may differ in opinion but I am certainly not offended by your opinions.
on Mar 03, 2006
...and have among my CD collection rap...

That's all I needed to read. You're definately going to hell for helping to propagate this acustic garbage!

MM: I understand where you're coming from, and agree that there is more than one way to God, but have to say that you must understand that many religious people honestly and truly believe that their particular religion is the only true way to God. They don't mean offense or hatefulness, it's just what they believe. We have to extend our own understanding there.

Otherwise, I have nothing to say here and feel free to ignore all of the above.
on Mar 03, 2006
I withhold my opinions for a reason, because I am anything BUT open minded

So Gid, given that you're not open minded and attempting to conceal that with neutrality, might you be trying to fancy everybody's good side for the wrong reasons?

Funny thing about open minded people; they're mostly our youth, liberals making a social statement, politicians wrapped in misleading facades followed closely by folks with no life experiences so being open minded is all they have. I, on the other hand pride myself in behaving and openly communicating consistently so those around me know where I stand, and don't have to guess how I will react or feel to a given situation. Those that don't appreciate that kind of truth are not friends, which is why I don't fret if someone doesn't think I am open-minded. My fifty plus years of the experience holds more value since it's taught me to use my better judgment first, and not behave as if competing in a popularity race.

believe a real friend wouldn't push me to state those views.

A real friend should push, but select the appropriate time and place. I want to know about my friends, how they feel, what they believe in and enjoy, and what they don't like. For me to call somebody a real friend knowing their values, morals and interests are key because that’s the substance that differentiates a friendship. As opposed to being surrounded by a number of acquaintances or superficial friends meant for cocktail parties and community events. Some of my party friends have spent so much time hanging around constituents and supporters; they've lost view of what actual friends are.

I am extremely fortunate to say I have friends from HS, and both men and women friends I met in my twenties that are like family today, giving us history. They know me good and bad, been around me at my worst, watched me, even shared in my best, and know my skeletons to some extent, as I do theirs, that’s friendship!

on Mar 03, 2006

A real friend should push, but select the appropriate time and place

And circumstance.

on Mar 03, 2006
I'm with you almost 100%...I do believe in just war and capitol punishment tho but everything else I'm with ya.

Feel better?
on Mar 04, 2006

As I have said before, I agree with about 90% of what you do. But while I am a conservative and usually vote republican, you are a more honest man who is conservative and votes his beliefs in libertarians.

I'll say this much, Dr. The only faiths I have found that consistently hold to my anti-war/abortion/death penalty/poverty position are the Mennonites and the Catholics. And while I don't think I'll be showing up at a Mass anytime soon, I respect the Catholic faith for that fact.

on Mar 05, 2006
I respect the Catholic faith for that fact.

From an alter-boy Those are some nice words that many of us don't hear often.....
on Mar 06, 2006

When you finished reading the first paragraph, mod, you should have stopped right there. While you claim to be "open minded", I find it ironic that your "openmindedness" only extends as far as others will reciprocate. That's not openminded, mod...that's manipulative!

This wasn't an in-depth analysis by any means, and if you read my words carefully...ALL OF THEM...IN CONTEXT, you would understand that. I won't retract anything, nor will I further elaborate on the positions I stated here. A true friend wouldn't need an explanation, and an enemy wouldn't believe it anyway.

on Mar 06, 2006
I have a hard time reading your posts because of your strong beliefs. I've got an opposite opinion of many of the statements you've made, and find a lot of your 'telling it like it is' offensive to me.

But hey, that's just your opinion about certain issues. I appreciate the honesty, and the opportunity to learn about things from a different perspective. It's always a pleasure to be invited in to someone else's world and I wouldn't dream of knocking the person who opens up like this.

I believe in my right to hold these views so long as I don't use them to attack, harass, or harm you and your family.
on Mar 06, 2006
I've got an opposite opinion of many of the statements you've made, and find a lot of your 'telling it like it is' offensive to me.

Why would somebody "telling it like it is" for them, be offensive to somebody reading their views? He's surely not imposing his views on anyone else.
on Mar 06, 2006

And while I don't think I'll be showing up at a Mass anytime soon, I respect the Catholic faith for that fact.

Can I light a candle for you anyway?

on Mar 07, 2006


I will never ever turn away the well wishes of practitioners of ANY faith. Go right ahead

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